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Thread: document copies ???

  1. #1
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    document copies ???

    my first question

    i am starting to understand which supporting documents i need to provide for a fiancee visa

    do you provide original bank statements / wage slips and boarding passes/ tickets mortgage statement or will photocopies be ok or both (original/copies)

    do they have to be certified ?

    do the passport page / stamps have to certified copy ?

    and do you have to supply 2nd copies of emails / messenger transcripts and love letters etc

    also do you need to supply copies of my girlfriends passport / photo

    thanks martin

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    just relax.... just provide what the UKVAKS asked from you...
    no need to certified it all...yes you need to provide the original and one photocopy of each. as for your passport and birth certificate photocopy will do. yes as for your fiance passport you have to.

    better provide the other stuff too as eveidence of you communication as long as you met her no worries. as for me i provide other documents although they dont asked for it... better to give them everything...
    i applied my fiance visa sept. 29 then got it oct 5 so fast no interview...amazing.

    i also provide my PRC id, SSS ID, NBI cert, documents from my employer, CFO certificate, my tor and diploma.

    good luck....

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    just relax.... just provide what the UKVAKS asked from you...
    no need to certified it all...yes you need to provide the original and one photocopy of each. as for your passport and birth certificate photocopy will do. yes as for your fiance passport you have to.

    better provide the other stuff too as eveidence of you communication as long as you met her no worries. as for me i provide other documents although they dont asked for it... better to give them everything...
    i applied my fiance visa sept. 29 then got it oct 5 so fast no interview...amazing.

    i also provide my PRC id, SSS ID, NBI cert, documents from my employer, CFO certificate, my tor and diploma.

    good luck....
    Good point about putting any diplomas, qualfications or documents from employers as part of the evidence.

    As one thing that may help the application is showing that the applicant will have qualfications/experience that will help find employment in the UK.

    My Wife showed she had an Ilets qualfications which showed her english skills were of the level required of nurses and others when entering the UK on work visas.

    If you are trained as a teacher or another skilled profession it will show that you have vauable skills which are required in the UK.

    We provided orignals of wage slips,bills, and evidence of accomdation etc with copies (not certified) in two sets clearly marked orignals and copies. They will keep the copies and send back the orignals, so make sure you have a duplicate of any important documents both in the evidence folder and with your self in case they get mislayed.

    Your Passport unless you send it in with the application will need to be copied (every page is best), your advised to have the passport certified by say your local solictor posts on here have said prices vary from a box of biscuits to 20 pounds.
    Many inculding us did not get the pages certified and had no problems but i was lucky enough to be in phill when the application was made so could have taken it along to show if required by the embassy.

    Again some people have just copied the importnat pages of the passport and got away with it, others just copied all the pages inculding the blank pages and others have got the pages stamped to say they have been certified as true. Its your choice, but if we had to do it again i would ensure all pages were copied and certified just to ensure the ECo has no reasons to doubt anything.

    From reading over the years various peoples application stories, it is noticeable those who have taken care to provide all possible evidence in a nicely clearly layed out order seem to have had less problems.

    I'm sure the ECO's or the support staff will only be glancing though them from what i remeber we had contained a a5 sizechecklist send back with the passport and orignals, which had the various types of evidence they needed to see for the various visas avaiable. Which i have written about in the past on here and thought it funny as it had been photocopied on a bit of a page with the requirments for an amercain visa on the rear side!!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    The advice I have read and been given is that if an original document is included you do not need to get that or any of the copies certified.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    1 set of original copies


    1 set of photocopies (need not certified)

  6. #6
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    An original copy?

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    yes original asked by the embassy.

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    yes original asked by the embassy.
    yes all need original copies

  9. #9
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yes all need original copies


    Photocopies!!!!! of each

  10. #10
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    But an original document isn't a copy!

    You do not need to get your original bank statements certified for example, because they see the real thing in front of them.

    You can't put all of your original documents in, like your passport, so this is where certified copies come in to play.

    Anything where they do not see the original needs to be certified. RIGHT?

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    But an original document isn't a copy!

    You do not need to get your original bank statements certified for example, because they see the real thing in front of them.

    You can't put all of your original documents in, like your passport, so this is where certified copies come in to play.

    Anything where they do not see the original needs to be certified. RIGHT?

  12. #12
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    so there is no embassy requirement to get any of the photoCOPIES certified

    but just a safe bet to get passport/stamps certified as 100% proof of travel details

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    so there is no embassy requirement to get any of the photoCOPIES certified

    but just a safe bet to get passport/stamps certified as 100% proof of travel details
    Im sure they used to ask for them to be certified or at least would halt the application untill the person brought there passport to be witnessed.

    Things change everyday it seems so who knows.

    But i would say just get it done, with all the emotion and money invested in the application it would be daft to not do it.

  14. #14
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    your right

    will get passport copies certified after i comeback from trip in march

    i should be there in person at time of application , but things can change


  15. #15
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    so there is no embassy requirement to get any of the photoCOPIES certified

    but just a safe bet to get passport/stamps certified as 100% proof of travel details
    If you are including your passport in the application, then there is no need for the copies to be certified as they see the original.

    I have two sets of photocopies of my enitre passport with all the pages of both sets certified.

    I did this because I will not be including my original passport in the application.

  16. #16
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    from embassy website

    evidence that your sponsor is settled in the UK. (This can be a copy of their passport or registration certificate that has been confirmed as a true copy, in other words certified.)

    will 100% get passport certified now


  17. #17
    Member STU3UK's Avatar
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    Im starting to prepare the Fiancee Visa application this week in preparation for my visit at the end of July when we will apply.

    I have lots of receipts from our previous times together that I would like to put into the application. However, im not sure if I should put in the originals or photocopies/scans. I say this beacuse most of them I dont care about but some including the one for the engagement ring I woulndt like to lose.



  18. #18
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    However, im not sure if I should put in the originals or photocopies/scans. I say this beacuse most of them I dont care about but some including the one for the engagement ring I woulndt like to lose.

    Dont worry embassy will returns the original. Just preapre 2 sets (original & photocopy).

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