Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
Steve, the hassle of getting the title transferred is still taking place after two years, and the cost of the transfare costing more than the lands worth.

Plus the neighbors, if you don't get on with them they can make life hell.

Then theres the trust in your wife, I'm lucky with that thou.

Hard to sell if you want to move on.
How come you paid bigger amount in transferring title under your wife's name?

The most expensive in transferring is the capital gains tax which is 6% of total cost of property.
Other payments such as VAT, stamps Real Property tax are only small amount.
There are also some ways to reduce capital gains tax and it's legal as long as you'll not go below the assessment value of your local municipality market value.
But if you found greedy lawyer, they may charge you big amount.

If you will live in a first class village, you'll surely feel it's quiet.