Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Penny...I wasnt slagging off Filipino builders as there are some damned good ones..Just greedy Filipino designers with money and time restraints to follow..Also those that build a hollow block oven with fixed window grills (death traps) paint it white and put it on the market for 6 million (nice round figure) knowing that some dumb foreigner will snap it up eventually ...
Happens all the time here!
Value for money comes from a little construction DIY is all Im saying..

Bahala ka!!

It wasn't you!
Well I agree with some Filipino builders that's why on my first posts, I gave advice to be there to monitor everything whilst under construction and tell them to buy house and lot only if developers are well known for making upscale projects.
If you will ask me, my dream house is all made of Narra lumber and concrete blocks.Narra lasts for hundred of years because of it's hardwood, beetle and termite resistant with rose-scented. But I am not sure if my husband can afford.

Bahala ka din!

Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
The electrical goods imported from China to the UK must adhere to strict British standard codes..
The dangerous crap they send to the Philippines do not..
Although quality material can be found quite easily here,they are expensive and not always utilised by Filipino contractors for one reason or the other!
Buyer beware!

So British well accepted it as long as it passed through british standard?
But I'm not a british.
You maybe right about their electrical goods from that country but to be honest,
we Filipinos still patronize our own product when it comes to electrical goods. You'll see around the street selling electrical stuffs made from china but durable Philippine made can only be found at leading hardware stores but not scattered somewhere in the streets sells by unknown sellers.