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    Pregnancy Health grant

    On my 27th week of pregnancy.My midwife gave me the form already to claim my £190 Pregnancy grant, now....I dont know if i am really entitled with this though im in FLR make it sure i called the HMR hotline but they told me that I need to send the form first for them to know if I can claim the grant, hmmm...crossing my fingers..coz it will help me and my husband a lot to buy some things for my baby. Another concern,i dont have my bank account yet, my prob is if they will send me a check,it will be on my married name,my ID's so far right now is still on my maiden name. ::sigh::...that's why im trying my best now to open my bank account. I'm confused ...i dunno what to do...

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    is your husband a brit ?

    if so you should be eligible because your partner is British, so therefore it will not be classed as "recourse to public funds" when applying for ILR, etc..

    if you both were subject to immigration control then i think it would be classed as public funds..

  3. #3
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    Hi Joeboggs, yeah my husband is a brit and my status right now is on 'Leave to remain' as a spouse, it says on my identity card that no recourse to public funds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    is your husband a brit ?

    if so you should be eligible because your partner is British, so therefore it will not be classed as "recourse to public funds" when applying for ILR, etc..

    if you both were subject to immigration control then i think it would be classed as public funds..
    I have a feeling though that this can only be claimed by the mother. I completed one for my wife (who is a British citizen now anyway) a few months ago but can't remember what was on it as a lot has happened since then.

    This page specifically lists it as a public fund though I have a feeling it is a recent addition.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    hi congrats...

    yes you can claim it ... would be better if youve got your own/joint bank account. Dont worry about ur id's as you can always take with you your MC when you take the check to the bank.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    hi congrats...

    yes you can claim it ... would be better if youve got your own/joint bank account. Dont worry about ur id's as you can always take with you your MC when you take the check to the bank.

    Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

    It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

    You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

    the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

    It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

    You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

    the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')

    i'm sure you can, but check with the help line if your married to a brit.

    but yes they've changed the web site. naughty naughty

    from an archived version ...

    Having a 'right to reside' in the UK

    You have a right to reside in the UK if you're:

    * a UK national - or from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland
    * someone from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and you're working for an employer or are self-employed in the UK
    * someone from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re actively looking for work and are registered with Jobcentre Plus
    * from outside the EEA but you've got permission to enter or remain in the UK
    * the partner of an EEA or Swiss national who has a right to reside

    If you’re from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re not working or actively looking for work you may not have a right to reside in the UK - unless you can support yourself.

    and from the web site now ..

    Having a 'right to reside' in the UK

    You've got the right to reside in the UK if you're:

    * a UK national or from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland
    * someone from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and you're working for an employer or are self-employed in the UK
    * someone from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re actively looking for work and registered with Jobcentre Plus
    * from outside the EEA but you've got permission to remain in the UK

    If you’re from the EEA or Switzerland and you’re not working or actively looking for work you may not have a right to reside in the UK – unless you can support yourself.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Can you point to anywhere official that says you can? Because as I said this is now classified as a public funds so I am not certain you can.

    It's the same rules for this as for child benefit which says :

    You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'. Immigration control means either:

    the Home Office says you have permission to stay in the UK (known as 'leave to enter or remain') but this permission is given to you on the grounds that you don't claim some benefits, tax credits or housing help paid by the UK government (known as 'recourse to public funds')
    If you are married to a british national yes you can darren. Many of my friends who are on flr were able to claim it. SO thats the proof....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    If you are married to a british national yes you can darren. Many of my friends who are on flr were able to claim it. SO thats the proof....
    If you read mine and Joe's comments you will see that they have changed the rules recently. Therefore someone claiming it last month is not proof that you can claim it now. And the real proof is not actually claiming it, it's when you come to apply for ILR.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    If you read mine and Joe's comments you will see that they have changed the rules recently. Therefore someone claiming it last month is not proof that you can claim it now. And the real proof is not actually claiming it, it's when you come to apply for ILR.
    got you ...didnt read the recent comments my mistake it was just last week when the money was in her bank so i just based my opinion thru peoples exp..

  11. #11
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    So it seems like they've now purposely updated the rules to stop the non-eu spouses of british citzens without ILR from claiming the health in pregnancy grants and child benefit.

    Rules change all the time, so always need to check official sources of information.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    So it seems like they've now purposely updated the rules to stop the non-eu spouses of british citzens without ILR from claiming the health in pregnancy grants and child benefit.

    Rules change all the time, so always need to check official sources of information.
    i'm pretty certain you can still claim child benefit and put the money in your bank account, even if your from outside the EU as long as your married to a brit or qualifiying European in the UK. (thou probably wise for the money to go in the Brits bank account), as some case workers dont know the rules and you want to minmise any hassle

    but someone needs to phone the help line and check

  13. #13
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    Okidoki Anna..I think that's much better if i'll just send them a copy of my identity card, thanks for the info,now time to think how to open an account,my husband transfered our electricity and water in my name,just waiting for th bill.Thanks to all of you,...wish me luck ..hope evrything went well.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo76 View Post
    Okidoki Anna..I think that's much better if i'll just send them a copy of my identity card, thanks for the info,now time to think how to open an account,my husband transfered our electricity and water in my name,just waiting for th bill.Thanks to all of you,...wish me luck ..hope evrything went well.
    Have you got council tax bill..that should be enough in opening an account together with your passport/id. Or your husband can add you to put your name and have a joint account i find it easier though in my case.


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    I dont have council tax bill yet...regarding joint account, we've asked barclays how will my husband add my name in his account and they said that i should still have billing address, ::sigh:: opening an account is really giving me headache,but can't blame them that's a banks regulations. Thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Have you got council tax bill..that should be enough in opening an account together with your passport/id. Or your husband can add you to put your name and have a joint account i find it easier though in my case.

    If you do use the council tax bill to open a bank account, make sure the council tax bill is valid.
    I made the mistake in taking in an out of date council tax bill into my Lloyds bank, they would not accept it
    Needless to say, we were not amused
    We had to go back and get the one what is up to date. Don't forget your passport

  17. #17
    Respected Member kenny's Avatar
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    Same situation like you.I got my Flr approval together with the foreign identity card last May 5th 2010. I got married to my british citizen husband last Jan.9th (this year).so we submitted the flr documents before it expires last March 7th.
    My identity card is still on my maiden name too (single surname).I am 27 weeks pregnant now to our first baby.And my midwife gave me also ,pregnancy grant certificate.As far as i know,we can claim the one time pregnancy grant £190,in flr status as stated in Immigration letter when they issued the Identity Card.They say,that i need to report of marriage to the Philippines Embassy-Uk first(which i need to do so), then to change the passport to change my married surname.My problem is,i havent change my passport yet.(my single surname stlill).Is it true,if i accomplished all of this.I can ask the Uk Immigration to change to new my Identity card into my married surname? confused.
    Thank you very much!

    Quote Originally Posted by evo76 View Post
    On my 27th week of pregnancy.My midwife gave me the form already to claim my £190 Pregnancy grant, now....I dont know if i am really entitled with this though im in FLR make it sure i called the HMR hotline but they told me that I need to send the form first for them to know if I can claim the grant, hmmm...crossing my fingers..coz it will help me and my husband a lot to buy some things for my baby. Another concern,i dont have my bank account yet, my prob is if they will send me a check,it will be on my married name,my ID's so far right now is still on my maiden name. ::sigh::...that's why im trying my best now to open my bank account. I'm confused ...i dunno what to do...

  18. #18
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    Hello Kenny...yeah we do exactly have the same situation, got married Jan 13 this year and got my Identity card last March, yeah we need to report our marriage to the Philippine embassy and renew our passport then the husband's name on it then we need to report it to the Home office for the change of name in our indentity card, can't do it right now coz im pregnant having a hard time to travel to London for passport renewal then change of name in ID, might do it maybe next year. Regarding Pregnancy Grant..did you file the certificate already?? were you able to open an account?? how many weeks did it take??

  19. #19
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    To Evo & Arlene: Ladies ... wish I could answer your respective questions "off the cuff", as it were. However, there has already been so much conflicting advice given on this thread - not helped by a recent overhaul of the Rules - I wouldn't even know where to begin. And, as you'd imagine ... well ... Pregnancy Health Grants and Child Benefit are hardly issues likely to concern someone within my advanced age range in the NORMAL course [there aren't too many 'Charlie Chaplins' around nowadays!!] :lol2:

    So, instead ... I suggest contacting an appropriate Helpline, as Joe Bloggs mentioned previously. From my research, I'd recommend calling 0845 302 1444 (chargeable al 'local rates') ... lines are open between the hours of 8am and 8pm - seven days a week. Strange as it may seem, this is a branch of HM Revenue & Customs. But apparently there's a section that deals specifically with Child Benefit and related enquiries.

    Definitely worth a try!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ladies ... wish I could answer your respective questions "off the cuff", as it were.
    have you not got your wife pregnant yet and tried to claim
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    have you not got your wife pregnant yet and tried to claim
    ... how about YOU?

  22. #22
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    Hi, im rose and married to a british man, i am 6months pregnant and have that leaflet says £190 grant, but i am not sure if i am able to get that coz even im in spouse visa, but it says NO RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS... i just arrive here in u.k MAY 7, 2010 we are living here in liverpool.. and i dnt know what to do next do i need to apply for anything to extend my visa? it says my visa is valid until july 12, 2012... i am confuse coz they mention about identity card... do i need to apply for that??? when??? pls i need your help and advice.... hope to hear from you asap.... thank u...

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    Hi georose, as far as i know you need to apply for ILR 28 days before your spouse visa expires, you can see the application form and requirements needed on this site

    Just want to update, was able to open an account alreadyin HSBC and had joint account with my last, now i've mailed the pregnancy health grant form to HMR too with all the photocopy of my passport,fiance visa and identity card.Time to wait for the result. crossing my fingers now. will update again. Thanks.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo76 View Post
    Hi georose, as far as i know you need to apply for ILR 28 days before your spouse visa expires, you can see the application form and requirements needed on this site

    Just want to update, was able to open an account alreadyin HSBC and had joint account with my last, now i've mailed the pregnancy health grant form to HMR too with all the photocopy of my passport,fiance visa and identity card.Time to wait for the result. crossing my fingers now. will update again. Thanks.
    mine took less than 3 weeks but then again it depends....

    Good that you sorted it out and Goodluck

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    hi evo76, thanks for the message... where r u in u.k??? are u far from liverpool??? i am hopinf to meet new filipina friends here in this site while i am pregnant... hehehe we go out but mostly only white people i saw in town or shopping markets.. by the way we are having a little boy in 3more months... how about you???? do u know if its boy or girl yet???? take care!!!

  26. #26
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by georose View Post
    hi evo76, thanks for the message... where r u in u.k??? are u far from liverpool??? i am hopinf to meet new filipina friends here in this site while i am pregnant... hehehe we go out but mostly only white people i saw in town or shopping markets.. by the way we are having a little boy in 3more months... how about you???? do u know if its boy or girl yet???? take care!!!
    Congrats And goodluck ....

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    Hi georose,im too far from you, im from Chatham Kent, me too looking for some filipina friends.....we are having a baby girl, first baby! that's why im excited. hehehe. By the way my husband supports Liverpool.How long have you been here in uk?? where u able to file your pregnancy health grant yet?

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    my wife and I got married in Jan 2010, she is 30 weeks pregnant and she was today refused the grant.
    this link makes it fairly clear she is not entitled to it:

    where do I figure though? - Ive paid my taxes for over 25 years, I would of thought I could have claimed at least £95....then again thats the way this shitty country works.

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    my wife and I got married in Jan 2010, she is 30 weeks pregnant and she was today refused the grant.
    this link makes it fairly clear she is not entitled to it:

    where do I figure though? - Ive paid my taxes for over 25 years, I would of thought I could have claimed at least £95....then again thats the way this shitty country works.
    what bit says she can't claim it ? maybe the right to reside in the uk... why did they say she can't claim it..right to reside and Ordinarily resident can mean different things to different people .

    i think this is a bit of a grey airea.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what bit says she can't claim it ? maybe the right to reside in the uk... why did they say she can't claim it..right to reside and Ordinarily resident can mean different things to different people .

    i think this is a bit of a grey airea.
    If though you follow the link through to "New arrivals to the UK and Child Benefit " then it talks about immigration control and recourse to public funds.

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