To Evo & Arlene: Ladies ... wish I could answer your respective questions "off the cuff", as it were. However, there has already been so much conflicting advice given on this thread - not helped by a recent overhaul of the Rules - I wouldn't even know where to begin. And, as you'd imagine ... well ... Pregnancy Health Grants and Child Benefit are hardly issues likely to concern someone within my advanced age range in the NORMAL course [there aren't too many 'Charlie Chaplins' around nowadays!!] :lol2:

So, instead ... I suggest contacting an appropriate Helpline, as Joe Bloggs mentioned previously. From my research, I'd recommend calling 0845 302 1444 (chargeable al 'local rates') ... lines are open between the hours of 8am and 8pm - seven days a week. Strange as it may seem, this is a branch of HM Revenue & Customs. But apparently there's a section that deals specifically with Child Benefit and related enquiries.

Definitely worth a try!