Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
FACT - Christianity is decling in the UK
FACT - Religion has caused many deaths in our lifetime

If you have no comprehension of this, you have a severe lack of historical facts.

I don't beat my chest, I just have no time for religion and believe that religious types should be aware that they "are talkinh out the top of your head".
To dispel this, go on show the world any proof of a "god" or a "jesus".

Rather than go on ad-infinitum, perhaps when you have any proof, begin a new thread and enlighten everyone :-)
I have faith (trust) in God.

I also think this thread is losing you fans, you are starting to sound foolish.

You keep saying 'us', 'everyone' even the 'world' as if its me against every living soul. For goodness sake man, get a grip of yourself.

It is only you getting effected. You state you don't have time for religion then, why are you banging on about it.
Note, no question mark.

I have peace in my heart, how about you.

All I feel from you and all others like you is resentment towards us Christians.

How about, live and let live huh.

Oh and by the way it is God and Jesus, not as you spelt it, although you know that.
No need to be rude and disrespectful whatever your beliefs are.

I hope all goes well with your wife's forth coming birth, you are both very lucky people.

Lets just agree to disagree