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Thread: When mixed nationality relationships go wrong...

  1. #1
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    When mixed nationality relationships go wrong...

    On a sad note of when things go wrong, it seems that the Cumbrian Shootings are largely as a result of a man scorned!
    It seems that he met a Thai lady, who wasn't genuine, took him for a lot of money and then left him. He has then been pushed over the edge by the ribbing/larking of his friends. (Or at least this is how I interpretted this article).
    Awful situation, and not an excuse, but something worth thinking about.

  2. #2
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    Similar stories happen almost every day, blokes fall for bargirls and then get ripped off. Most just move on... Saddest thing about this story is the majority of the comments.


    Always find it quite pathetic when older men go off with young Asian women or Men , it looks sad and always think its the last stance of an inadequate men ....

  3. #3
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    I think thats one of the most important points in this, the intolerance by his peers. Which is probably what drove him over the edge.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I think thats one of the most important points in this, the intolerance by his peers. Which is probably what drove him over the edge.
    Tragic case ... whatever the circumstances!

  5. #5
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    When a guy like this pursues a young Thai girl, he must have it in his mind that he will one day bring her over and when everyone sees how gorgeous she is the mickey-taking will stop and they'll all be jealous of him. You can imagine his torment then when he just turns out to be the exact cliche they're all mocking. No excuse for a rampage like that tho

  6. #6
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    I still believe that it is his financial difficulties that made him AMOK!

  7. #7
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    I dont think you can blame the bar girl or the money worries..99.9% deal with these situations and move on.

    From what I have read, he took a liking to guns after being introduced the sport by a friend and it just so happen the night before, he watched a Steven Segal it was all connected we can only guess.
    He had family issues as well.
    All that said and done does not give reason for his actions.
    He was unhinged..anything could of sparked it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    It seems that he met a Thai lady, who wasn't genuine, took him for a lot of money and then left him. He has then been pushed over the edge by the ribbing/larking of his friends. (Or at least this is how I interpretted this article).

    The Sun reports it a bit differently - I read in some of the weekend papers that he was a regular sex tourist to Thailand along with a gang of this fellow fifty something cabbies

    Bird, 52, and Terry, 51, were among a group of cabbies from Whitehaven, West Cumbria, who holidayed twice a year in the fleshpot of Pattaya and dubbed themselves The Bad Boys.

    Three years ago Bird fell for a 32-year-old hooker called On at the Kennel bar, not far from the Spicy Girls-A-Go-Go bar run by Chris, 45.

    Chris said: "He would meet her each night and pay the bar £5 when they went walkabout. He would pay her £20 for sex, she would have breakfast with him and then he'd meet up with his mates.

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  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    She was just a prostitute no relationship with him, nor to the case. His money worries started months ago. They may as well blame God for not stopping it, and Thatcher for not banning all guns
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I dont think you can blame the bar girl or the money worries..99.9% deal with these situations and move on.
    ... that's what USUALLY happens.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    She was just a prostitute no relationship with him, nor to the case. His money worries started months ago. They may as well blame God for not stopping it, and Thatcher for not banning all guns
    Exactly, it just so happened he had a taste for the Oriental and these bigoted papers have jumped on it.....Shame on them

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The Sun reports it a bit differently - I read in some of the weekend papers that he was a regular sex tourist to Thailand along with a gang of this fellow fifty something cabbies
    Well, of course ... anything to do with , and The Sun is onto it before you can say "leg-over"!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    She was just a prostitute no relationship with him, nor to the case.
    Tut tut you should use the politically correct BBC terminology as used reporting the Bradford killings........ "a woman who worked as a prostitute".

    I wonder when they will get round to describing other ways of getting money in such a manner "a man who worked as a bank robber", "a youth who worked as a mugger". More to thank Blair & Co for.

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well dont want to put a spanner in the works here , but who realy knows what happened yes very tragic for everyone concerned, what we read and see on the news well take most of it with a pinch of salt, when someone is in a situation that we cannot control there is such a fine line that once crossed theres no going back i once had thoughts of revenged on my ex and yes if i had something at the time i would have used it too, but i am so glad i did not my life is so much better, but going back to this sad case lets keep a open mind and our views to ourselves and dont buy that crap paper

  15. #15
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    I wonder when they will get round to describing other ways of getting money is such a manner "a man who worked as a bank robber", "a youth who worked as a mugger". More to thank Blair & Co for.
    ... although possibly more to do with Blair & Co pandering to the daft legislation dreamt up by the Eurocrats.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    well dont want to put a spanner in the works here , but who realy knows what happened yes very tragic for everyone concerned, what we read and see on the news well take most of it with a pinch of salt, when someone is in a situation that we cannot control there is such a fine line that once crossed theres no going back i once had thoughts of revenged on my ex and yes if i had something at the time i would have used it too, but i am so glad i did not my life is so much better, but going back to this sad case lets keep a open mind and our views to ourselves and dont buy that crap paper
    I agree Steve, its a fine line indeed.

  17. #17
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    Couldn't resist copy and pasting this comment to the Daily Mail story. What a tt

    Always find it quite pathetic when older men go off with young Asian women or Men , it looks sad and always think its the last stance of an inadequate men ....
    - steffan, brighton and hove, 07/6/2010

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  18. #18
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    just read the mail report englishman and it does make all us blokes sound sad lonely and cant pull a english rose and all are drunkards, well how wrong they are, lonely well sometimes, pulling a english rose, to tell the truth there they are hard as nails and just out to prove a point to there ex husbands they can still pull,drunk , dont drink that much myself and i am so haoppy with finding my asian beauty she is my life and i am hers too what a great future i have

  19. #19
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    There's a reason why UK has one of the lowest rates of firearms injuries, it's because we dont let many people have guns. If nothing else, this should be the rallying call for a complete ban of private individuals owning guns.
    As for Mr. Bird, however you want to coat it, he was just insane. Money worries? Had em! Seen people take the mickey out of my choice of wife? Been there! So, according to the sun's expert diagnosis, i've just got to have an arguement with a cabbie and there go where did i leave my sawn off water pistol?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    just read the mail report englishman and it does make all us blokes sound sad lonely and cant pull a english rose and all are drunkards, well how wrong they are, lonely well sometimes, pulling a english rose, to tell the truth there they are hard as nails and just out to prove a point to there ex husbands they can still pull,drunk , dont drink that much myself and i am so haoppy with finding my asian beauty she is my life and i am hers too what a great future i have
    ....and very best of luck to you and your girl Steve

    The thing is, why would I want to have an English g/f? Yes there are still some pretty ones out there and ones with high morale standards, but it seems to me that every generation of English girls is getting fatter, more mouthy, more drunken and generally poorer behaved.
    I can get an English g/f if i want, but I DON'T want

  21. #21
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The Sun reports it a bit differently - I read in some of the weekend papers that he was a regular sex tourist to Thailand along with a gang of this fellow fifty something cabbies

    Bird, 52, and Terry, 51, were among a group of cabbies from Whitehaven, West Cumbria, who holidayed twice a year in the fleshpot of Pattaya and dubbed themselves The Bad Boys.

    Three years ago Bird fell for a 32-year-old hooker called On at the Kennel bar, not far from the Spicy Girls-A-Go-Go bar run by Chris, 45.

    Chris said: "He would meet her each night and pay the bar £5 when they went walkabout. He would pay her £20 for sex, she would have breakfast with him and then he'd meet up with his mates.

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    interesting since spicy girls has been closed now for over a year

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    There's a reason why UK has one of the lowest rates of firearms injuries, it's because we dont let many people have guns. If nothing else, this should be the rallying call for a complete ban of private individuals owning guns.
    As for Mr. Bird, however you want to coat it, he was just insane. Money worries? Had em! Seen people take the mickey out of my choice of wife? Been there! So, according to the sun's expert diagnosis, i've just got to have an arguement with a cabbie and there go where did i leave my sawn off water pistol?
    There are laws for gun ownership, if you are the law abiding type and the law says you can't have, you won't get.
    If on the other hand you are not law abiding, you can get a gun.
    I don't know what the answer is but, more gun laws won't work.

  23. #23
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    There are laws for gun ownership, if you are the law abiding type and the law says you can't have, you won't get.
    If on the other hand you are not law abiding, you can get a gun.
    I don't know what the answer is but, more gun laws won't work.
    In every country where the populace has the right to bear arms guns are routinely used to kill people. That's what they do. If someone wants to own a gun, they want to fire it. The question then arises, what will they fire it at? A target? A rabbit? The next door neighbour?
    The only way to stop a gun being fired is to not make it or not allow people to own them. And no matter what laws we pass , we cant beat the idea that you cant shoot someone with an empty hand.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    In every country where the populace has the right to bear arms guns are routinely used to kill people. That's what they do. If someone wants to own a gun, they want to fire it. The question then arises, what will they fire it at? A target? A rabbit? The next door neighbour?
    The only way to stop a gun being fired is to not make it or not allow people to own them. And no matter what laws we pass , we cant beat the idea that you cant shoot someone with an empty hand.
    Bring back was said in the mail 2 days ago that gun crime rocketed when these liberal minded do gooders ended the death sentence

    You are right, the only way to end gun crime is not to make them any more. I don't thing that will happen anytime soon

    We are protected by the law but, if someone is hell bent in causing death and destruction, no law will protect us.

    Its not only guns, how about cars? Cars being driven illeagally.
    We got laws for that to but, that does not stop people getting killed everyday from these morons.

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