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Thread: Visa Boarding Cards and FLR Question

  1. #1
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    Visa Boarding Cards and FLR Question

    I am due to pickup my fiancée up from the Philippines at the end of this month and bring her to our home in the UK for the wedding. She recently got her Fiancee Settlement Visa, CFO and Cenomar so we should have everything needed. Now my question is this, when we are on the flight back to the UK and the stewardess is handing out Visa immigration cards, does my fiancee still need to fill one of those in for the border control or can she just show her settlement visa?

    Also about FLR. At what point will be fiancee be allowed access to public services and a national insurance number like I currently have as a British Citizen? I mean, do I have to pay for a private, doctor, dentist and health care for her in general (i.e. no NHS care allowed) until she too becomes a full citizen (after the life in the UK test)?

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    1.boarding card, why not fill it in, it wont take 5 mins.
    i think she needs it?
    2.she can get a NI number and work after your married, when do you plan to?, after how long will you both get married.
    3.does she need a doctor straight away or dentist, why not wait until after your married, i think she can use them all when she gets here.

    btw if im wrong someone will correct me
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    1.boarding card, why not fill it in, it wont take 5 mins.
    i think she needs it?
    2.she can get a NI number and work after your married, when do you plan to?, after how long will you both get married.
    3.does she need a doctor straight away or dentist, why not wait until after your married, i think she can use them all when she gets here.

    btw if im wrong someone will correct me
    1. She definately needs to fill in a landing card
    2. Obviously needs FLR as well..
    3. Dentists are probably cheaper in the Philippines than on the NHS here, so might be worth having a checkup before she leaves? She should be allowed to register with doctors/dentists here, though I know there has been the odd doctor who has been awkward and not wanted to take someone on until they are married and have FLR.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wait till you are married then register your wife with your doctor and dentist is you can the nat insurance number well dont know but just like you i soon will be doing the same

  6. #6
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    i was able to register my thai ex with my doctor before we was married- she was on a fiance visa (6 months) but as others have suggested it may be down to the doc surgery itself.

    one thing tho when you land- if you are with her then take her thru the UK line not the non EU line in immigration- i took my ex at heathrow thru the non EU line and was told next time to go thru the UK desk if i am with her next time

    tho having said that- last time i passed thru heathrow the line for the UK was enormous- and they then proceeded to close one desk- while the non EU line was empty

    go figure

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