have you managed to find work tony , you said that is a thing to do once you get back here, and like keithangel said come on tell us how your trip went
have you managed to find work tony , you said that is a thing to do once you get back here, and like keithangel said come on tell us how your trip went
yup im desparetly seeking work, went to an interview yesterday, i was very hopeful about it, the agency said they will call me today if im successful, but no call,
all 4 kittens in the house of my wife are of, i was very worried about them because the dogs was jumping ontop of the rice sacks where they was, kettens are walking round the house now, when i was there,there was one cat about to swalow 15 inches of clingfilm from the sink, he had swalowed half of it but luckely i had just got back from the mall and pulled the clingfilm out before swalowed it all, im sure he would of died if i wasnt there
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