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Thread: Heavy falls on the stock exchange?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Seems worth mentioning that I think they're might be some heavy falls in the Stock Exchange this week...FTSE 07 june 2010.JPG That image is the FTSE100 chart on the evening of June 7th 2010...

    Does anyone else take an interest in the Stock Exchange?

    Yes I trade on US markets every day and its been a roller coaster for weeks now. My holdings are not performing well at the moment but thats rock and roll. I have fancied a punt with BP on the hope of a quick recovery but they have just been downgraded so may hold fire.

    Mind you if Cameron was to say up yours to Obama and make BP the only concession in the Falklands they would be worth a punt. My opinion only, not intended as a recommendation.

  2. #2
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Yes I trade on US markets every day and its been a roller coaster for weeks now. My holdings are not performing well at the moment but thats rock and roll. I have fancied a punt with BP on the hope of a quick recovery but they have just been downgraded so may hold fire.

    Mind you if Cameron was to say up yours to Obama and make BP the only concession in the Falklands they would be worth a punt. My opinion only, not intended as a recommendation.
    There is already two companies starting exploration drilling offshore in the falklands but you can expect a long wait before anything meaningful happens. Due to the fact that its uncharted territory down there in as much it such extreme conditions etc. Add the fact the argentinians want to restrict shipping in the waters between them and the islands. There will be a lot of political manouvering to come.

    REgards the stock markets, I have a stocks and shares ISA that I invest in every month that is to be my retirement fund. But as I'm only 35 and have hopefully only about 20yr left to work (thats the plan anyway) a falling market is good for long term investors. Cheaper stocks mean more for your money and so I'll have more shares when the market starts to recover. Other than that I try to ignore it because its still not nice seeing your investments falling!
    It's been emontional

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Add the fact the argentinians want to restrict shipping in the waters between them and the islands.
    They could try... we'd send are Navy .... all two ships of it
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    There is already two companies starting exploration drilling offshore in the falklands but you can expect a long wait before anything meaningful happens. Due to the fact that its uncharted territory down there in as much it such extreme conditions etc. Add the fact the argentinians want to restrict shipping in the waters between them and the islands. There will be a lot of political manouvering to come.

    REgards the stock markets, I have a stocks and shares ISA that I invest in every month that is to be my retirement fund. But as I'm only 35 and have hopefully only about 20yr left to work (thats the plan anyway) a falling market is good for long term investors. Cheaper stocks mean more for your money and so I'll have more shares when the market starts to recover. Other than that I try to ignore it because its still not nice seeing your investments falling!
    I hope the plans for 2 new aircraft carriers are not shelved as they could be needed, as for you saying a falling market is good for long term investors, only if your in the market to buy, no good if your holding shares.

  5. #5
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    I hope the plans for 2 new aircraft carriers are not shelved as they could be needed, as for you saying a falling market is good for long term investors, only if your in the market to buy, no good if your holding shares.
    I too hope the carriers aren't shelved, we really do need new tonnage in the RN, but there will be serious cuts in budgets for all goverment areas over the next few years. We'll have to wait and see.

    Agree with that, this market is only a problem if your coming up to retirement and looking to start pulling on your investments as an income. At the end of the day everything involves risk and its all about timing. I'm in quite aggressive stocks at the mo but about 5yrs before retirement (depending on market conditions of course) I'll be shifting into cautious managed funds that are alot more stable but obviously returns are lower.
    It's been emontional

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    By the time the US public and press are finished with BP they will be a completely damaged brand IMO..(I dont think they deserve it but that has nothing to do with the share price.
    The SP has a lot further to fall..Wish I still had my trading account..I would have opened a short 6 weeks ago and would not be closing any time soon!
    Make up for my tragic losses over the last 2 years!

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    By the time the US public and press are finished with BP they will be a completely damaged brand IMO..(I dont think they deserve it but that has nothing to do with the share price.
    The SP has a lot further to fall..Wish I still had my trading account..I would have opened a short 6 weeks ago and would not be closing any time soon!
    Make up for my tragic losses over the last 2 years!
    My friend is holding BP shares and tells me they are paying a 7% dividend. I think the fundamentals will still be there but will probably succumb to a takeover if their share price lowers
    further. Rumblings in Russia on their joint gas project is not going to help

    Re your tragic losses, did you not use stops?

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Re your tragic losses, did you not use stops?
    My paper losses(still holding) were from long term share holdings on AIM..Mainly Nickel mining companies (some operating in P.I)..Fundamentals are still good except the damned metal prices due to poor demand in China..Most operations here now are on care and maintenance..Ouch.
    These days I only invest in my own projects as I feel I can trust the management!!

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