happy anniversary you too a nice thought that we all one day will find our sweetheart and be happy like you two
happy anniversary you too a nice thought that we all one day will find our sweetheart and be happy like you two
Now, as you will all appreciate, I do not know how to multi-quote, even with the multi-quote thingy, 'cos I've only got 2 university degrees - so - I shall do this as an individual exercise:-
For your comments and good wishes - LEAHnew, justchecking, Dom, cessxy, sars, Arthur, marlyn & kenny, Penny, hannah sheila, John and Vanessa, simonline, bornatbirth, liane, gWaPito, Sim11UK, stevewool and not forgetting Mr & Mrs Notappearinginthisthread - on behalf of Hanna and myself, I would like to thank you all so much for your kind wishes imparted to us today.
(God, I've just read that - it's bloody formal ain't it?)
As I intimated earlier, if you are all as happy as Hanna and I, you are in for a great life!!
Of course, I must mention also, that some of our 'family' have not had, shall we say, the best of emotional experiences - to those friends I wish an upturn in good fortune and all the best for the future.
Bless you all!
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
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