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Thread: Spouse Visa Refused

  1. #1
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Spouse Visa Refused

    Hello everyone,

    May 19 i submitted my Spouse Visa application
    June 9 received the result sad to say I am refused but i not let feel bad coz i know we can handle this and in the end we will be together.

    I'm planning to Email the Embassy and ask what specifically they need to overturned my visa refusal. Is it ok and if yes may I know the email address please?

    Here's the Reasons,
    1. You have submitted 2 bank statement from your husband. One has no name on it and has a closing balance of £XXXX and the other has a closing balance of £XXXX. While I note deposits of £XXX have been made into this account there is no evidence as to the source of the funds.
    - £xxx he saved every week is from his salary he receive in cash not directly to his bank account. Do you think photocopying his bankbook and have it sign by the bank Manager will suffice showing he's the one you made the deposits. Also he will request for new bank statement with his name on it.

    2. In the bank statements submitted in support of your application, however, fail to show deposits or regular transactions that reflect the amounts claimed as earnings.
    - Like I've said he received his salary in cash every week. To prove this i will ask my husband to ask his boss to write a letter confirming this.

    3. no P60 has been submitted to confirm tax and national payments are being made. I am therefore not satisfied that your sponsor is in receipt of the income or in the employment as claimed.

    - he has this already.

    4. You claim that you have been offered employment in a Chinese restaurant. However, I am not satisfied that this job offer constitutes a meaningful offer of employment as there is no evidence that the position has been advertised locally. I am therefore not satisfied that you can adequately maintain yourself in the UK without recourse to public funds.

    - I provided letter of employment. My husband told me they don't advertise they just post outside the restaurant if they need staffs. The only thing i know is my husband have to write letter to explain this. also my husband made big decision to move and work in Ireland as his boss offered him once i arrived in UK we can live and work together. If i want. Also I'm confident even i not working my husband can still support me. What is the best advise for this. Also i just think why he have to question about my employment as i know once i arrived i can legally work if i want.

    Thanks to much in advance for great advices you will give to me and to my husband..

    Jess and Simon

  2. #2
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    Hi Jess,
    Sorry to read your bad news. You need to provide a min of 6 bank statements.
    A P60 is invaluable, it shows he is paying tax and is also in gainful employment.
    Your Husband is your sponser, he must prove beyond all doubt that he can look after you.

    It's not the amount of money he has in the bank, it is where it has come from that he must prove.

    It is to protect you Jess.

    Good Luck to you both

  3. #3
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Hi Jess,
    Sorry to read your bad news. You need to provide a min of 6 bank statements.
    A P60 is invaluable, it shows he is paying tax and is also in gainful employment.
    Your Husband is your sponser, he must prove beyond all doubt that he can look after you.

    It's not the amount of money he has in the bank, it is where it has come from that he must prove.

    It is to protect you Jess.

    Good Luck to you both
    Thank you gwapito for advice. Yes, we provided his 6 months bank statement we just have to explain and prove where it came from. thanks again.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    hello jess, sorry to hear this.. im sure u can sort t out!
    I also submitted my spouse visa application on may 24,2010 and still waiting, praying for positive result
    Good luck jess!!! soon we will be with our love one God is good!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  5. #5
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this news and I hope you can find some ways to overturn the decision made.
    Good luck
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  6. #6
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Thank you marlyn&kenny and liane. It's nice being here in this forum you give me more strength and to stay positive.

    We will try to overturn the decision asap and once we already forwarded our appeal and the supporting documents. Maybe while waiting we will prepare again to reapply after 1-2 month if we not receive any update.

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Good luck also marlyn&kenny!!! Keep praying for positive result. :xxgrinning--

  8. #8
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Thanks Jess! love can move mountains!!!

    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  9. #9
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    sorry to hear the news...u can petition the results right?....hope it be a YES after that

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    Thank you marlyn&kenny and liane. It's nice being here in this forum you give me more strength and to stay positive.

    We will try to overturn the decision asap and once we already forwarded our appeal and the supporting documents. Maybe while waiting we will prepare again to reapply after 1-2 month if we not receive any update.

    Thanks again
    the embassy can only make a decision on the evidence you supplied

    sending bankstatements which are overdrawn is never a good idea

    if he was paid in cash, he must have got pay slips ? but yes in his case sending a photocopy of the paying in slip would have been a good idea.

    i can see why the embassy refused your visa due to lack of evidence.

    where did you appeal uk or phils ?

    where is your husband ireland or in the uk?

    well hopefully the EC manager will review your app and approve, if not and it goes to appeal you could be waiting months

    hopefully it will not come to that.

  11. #11
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    sorry to hear that. As what experience members have said,,, DONT send overdrawn account/bank statements...
    I hope you can find some ways to overturn the decision made.
    Good luck

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Jess ... like each of the others who've responded so far, to read your news. I believe, though, if you and your husband can take particular note of the ECO's reasons for his/her refusal, explain why the documents required hadn't been sent at the time you first applied and provide them now, hopefully there's a good chance of the decision being overturned.

    Joe Bloggs is undoubtedly the man to guide you with this, and I wish you all the very best in your dealings with the Embassy.

  13. #13
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the embassy can only make a decision on the evidence you supplied

    sending bankstatements which are overdrawn is never a good idea

    if he was paid in cash, he must have got pay slips ? but yes in his case sending a photocopy of the paying in slip would have been a good idea.

    i can see why the embassy refused your visa due to lack of evidence.

    where did you appeal uk or phils ?

    where is your husband ireland or in the uk?

    well hopefully the EC manager will review your app and approve, if not and it goes to appeal you could be waiting months

    hopefully it will not come to that.

    We didn't supply them bank statement with overdrawn. They just question where the money reflected in his bank statement very week came from. We just have to give evidence that he made the deposits - i think photocopy of his bankbook and have it certified will be ok as evidence.

    I'm just wondering why ECO questioned my husband employment if we provide them his original 3 month pay slips. He start working in Northern Ireland from January 2010. We will just supply them more evidences and supporting letters from him and from his boss to explain every issues.

    I will appeal here in manila I'm just waiting for the supporting documents my husband going to send to me next week.

    My husband live and working in England before he decided to accept the job offer and move to Northern Ireland for us. It's a big decision, risk, and sacrifice he made just for me and for our future.

    We both hoping and praying for positive result after we provide everything.

    Thanks so much for great help and advices you gave here.

  14. #14
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjwoz View Post
    sorry to hear that. As what experience members have said,,, DONT send overdrawn account/bank statements...
    I hope you can find some ways to overturn the decision made.
    Good luck
    Thank you so much!!!

  15. #15
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Jess ... like each of the others who've responded so far, to read your news. I believe, though, if you and your husband can take particular note of the ECO's reasons for his/her refusal, explain why the documents required hadn't been sent at the time you first applied and provide them now, hopefully there's a good chance of the decision being overturned.

    Joe Bloggs is undoubtedly the man to guide you with this, and I wish you all the very best in your dealings with the Embassy.
    Thank you so much Arthur Little!!!

    I will take all your advices here.

    I feel all your concern and sincerity.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    We didn't supply them bank statement with overdrawn.)
    sorry i think i've gone gaga , i must be seeing things

    pitty hes not working in Southern Ireland you could have applied for a family permit then.

    well send your'e extra evidence and ask for a reconsideration.

  17. #17
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    Sorry to hear your news, hopefully you can provide answers to all of their questions and get them to overturn the decision at some future point.

  18. #18
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    I wonder that you give your husbands national insurance number in your application, surley they can see from that the taxes and nat ins thats been paid?

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'm sure they do have access to those records and even more (credit agencies) maybe they can't be and just want all the work done for them with an orginal and a photocopy

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