Hello everyone,

May 19 i submitted my Spouse Visa application
June 9 received the result sad to say I am refused but i not let feel bad coz i know we can handle this and in the end we will be together.

I'm planning to Email the Embassy and ask what specifically they need to overturned my visa refusal. Is it ok and if yes may I know the email address please?

Here's the Reasons,
1. You have submitted 2 bank statement from your husband. One has no name on it and has a closing balance of £XXXX and the other has a closing balance of £XXXX. While I note deposits of £XXX have been made into this account there is no evidence as to the source of the funds.
- £xxx he saved every week is from his salary he receive in cash not directly to his bank account. Do you think photocopying his bankbook and have it sign by the bank Manager will suffice showing he's the one you made the deposits. Also he will request for new bank statement with his name on it.

2. In the bank statements submitted in support of your application, however, fail to show deposits or regular transactions that reflect the amounts claimed as earnings.
- Like I've said he received his salary in cash every week. To prove this i will ask my husband to ask his boss to write a letter confirming this.

3. no P60 has been submitted to confirm tax and national payments are being made. I am therefore not satisfied that your sponsor is in receipt of the income or in the employment as claimed.

- he has this already.

4. You claim that you have been offered employment in a Chinese restaurant. However, I am not satisfied that this job offer constitutes a meaningful offer of employment as there is no evidence that the position has been advertised locally. I am therefore not satisfied that you can adequately maintain yourself in the UK without recourse to public funds.

- I provided letter of employment. My husband told me they don't advertise they just post outside the restaurant if they need staffs. The only thing i know is my husband have to write letter to explain this. also my husband made big decision to move and work in Ireland as his boss offered him once i arrived in UK we can live and work together. If i want. Also I'm confident even i not working my husband can still support me. What is the best advise for this. Also i just think why he have to question about my employment as i know once i arrived i can legally work if i want.

Thanks to much in advance for great advices you will give to me and to my husband..

Jess and Simon