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Thread: babies

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stevewool babies 11th June 2010, 06:30
darren-b I read your comments and... 11th June 2010, 08:00
stevewool yes i have thought of that... 11th June 2010, 08:15
pennybarry She maybe sad because you can... 11th June 2010, 08:21
gWaPito Having a vasectomy is not the... 11th June 2010, 21:03
pennybarry I know Gwapito as I have... 12th June 2010, 12:07
gWaPito Hi Penny. You are right, not... 12th June 2010, 15:26
Doc Alan [QUOTE=gWaPito;226462] The... 12th June 2010, 22:28
gWaPito [QUOTE=Doc Alan;226528] I... 14th June 2010, 18:09
marlyn&kenny steeve you're on a hard part... 11th June 2010, 09:09
marlyn&kenny steeve you're on a hard part... 11th June 2010, 09:09
KeithD If I was in that situation I... 11th June 2010, 09:20
sparky in a perfect world yes but i... 11th June 2010, 09:28
KeithD If you're using the internet... 11th June 2010, 09:45
gWaPito From the amount of groveling... 12th June 2010, 16:02
KeithD Only when they want Rep... 12th June 2010, 17:17
bornatbirth yes, you are being selfish,... 11th June 2010, 10:20
sars_notd_virus Not a good idea to put this... 11th June 2010, 15:16
stevewool well thanks for the great... 11th June 2010, 20:33
stevewool thanks we shall see how we go... 11th June 2010, 21:09
joebloggs you should ask emma is your... 12th June 2010, 09:11
aposhark Now there's some solid advice... 12th June 2010, 14:02
aposhark Are you married Steve? The... 12th June 2010, 14:00
stevewool no we are not married yet ... 12th June 2010, 14:14
aposhark Yes, I think you marry... 12th June 2010, 14:28
stevewool emmas needs are more... 12th June 2010, 14:36
LastViking I think you are Steve. Just... 13th August 2010, 07:50
bornatbirth why would anyone have a knot... 12th June 2010, 15:33
mickcant Hi bornatbirth. :Wave: I... 12th June 2010, 17:37
aposhark My wife does not want me to... 12th June 2010, 22:46
bornatbirth this is my point, i will... 12th June 2010, 23:58
aposhark We'll see :doh 13th June 2010, 00:18
joebloggs 12 kids :omg:, one is a... 13th June 2010, 06:35
aposhark I'm not a spring chicken... 13th June 2010, 09:02
joebloggs it lasts 3yrs and only doing... 13th June 2010, 16:07
sparky i will never ever have the... 13th June 2010, 00:01
KeithD I'd recommend sleeping with... 13th June 2010, 08:51
stevewool well i am not having the chop... 13th June 2010, 08:43
aposhark Why not for kids? Kids have... 13th June 2010, 09:04
KeithD Why would you need the snip... 13th June 2010, 09:08
stevewool well boss man yes they do... 13th June 2010, 09:21
stevewool indeed they do have more... 13th June 2010, 09:20
ladyvhee Hi I know how it feels like,... 6th August 2010, 21:41
Arthur Little Each to their own ... and if... 6th August 2010, 22:15
bornatbirth she doesnt sound happy to me... 6th August 2010, 23:02
gecko_pikachu Hi Steve, I respect your... 6th August 2010, 23:40
James Hubbard i don't want to ruffle any... 7th August 2010, 03:19
malditako im eldest in family and... 7th August 2010, 06:22
KeithD Well if the kid when it's... 7th August 2010, 09:20
Arthur Little :cwm24: ... oh dear, James... 7th August 2010, 12:48
James Hubbard yes, i really hope that they... 7th August 2010, 14:09
Arthur Little ... conversely, I became a... 7th August 2010, 13:19
RickyR I'm going through the... 7th August 2010, 09:08
stevewool lots of good reading a good... 7th August 2010, 09:26
triple5 I know a guy who has just... 7th August 2010, 13:58
Arthur Little *Absolutely, Paul ... :iagree: 7th August 2010, 14:04
stevie c i fully agree... 7th August 2010, 16:54
junior02 i have 4 kids iwas 23 wen... 7th August 2010, 18:01
gecko_pikachu Very well said! I salute you... 7th August 2010, 18:03
Arthur Little Nothing! :NoNo: As I pointed... 8th August 2010, 00:07
bornatbirth older men having kids, theres... 8th August 2010, 00:12
James Hubbard ... 8th August 2010, 01:40
gecko_pikachu The kids here in the UK are... 7th August 2010, 16:52
Arthur Little YOU bet ... kids can be... 7th August 2010, 20:38
Arthur Little Yeah ... that's all very well... 7th August 2010, 21:17
bornatbirth you have a point there as... 7th August 2010, 23:56
Arthur Little :cwm24: glad SOMEONE'S... 8th August 2010, 00:16
bornatbirth whats wrong arthur :Erm: 8th August 2010, 00:21
Arthur Little :cwm24: ... the mere THOUGHT... 8th August 2010, 00:33
Arthur Little ... YOUR comment has had the... 8th August 2010, 00:19
kalabasa having a baby/kids/children... 7th August 2010, 18:25
bornatbirth i have met guys who have kids... 8th August 2010, 00:42
Arthur Little ... or WORSE ... getting down... 8th August 2010, 01:07
bornatbirth why not just delete the post... 8th August 2010, 09:46
James Hubbard Because I wanted to do it the... 8th August 2010, 12:53
Arthur Little In other words, James ... to... 12th August 2010, 18:45
gWaPito sorry to read your story... 12th August 2010, 20:52
KeithD These days with technology a... 8th August 2010, 10:04
bornatbirth didnt a woman give birth in... 8th August 2010, 10:07
Lancashirelad Before i met my Gf i would... 12th August 2010, 16:41
stevewool iys down to each othere and... 13th August 2010, 07:40
badrock Would truly love to be able... 17th August 2010, 14:34
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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    She maybe sad because you can still make it.
    But if you undergone vasectomy, she will accept it and still be happy.
    Let her come over here and let her feel the advantage and disadvantage when she arrived.
    If she's got a good job and ready for a baby, I don't think this will be a problem.
    If she arrived, and she will see all the bills without her working then she may have second thought.
    Having a vasectomy is not the end of baby making.

    It can be reversed at a cost, it is not always successful but, it is better than no chance at all.

    Good post Steve...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Having a vasectomy is not the end of baby making.

    It can be reversed at a cost, it is not always successful but, it is better than no chance at all.

    Good post Steve...
    I know Gwapito as I have friend who is married to German(undergone vasectomy) as he has no plan to have any.
    But her filipna wife wished to have one and after reversed, she got one.
    Now, she keeps on giving advice not to adopt and not to dream to have one.

    But I am not sure if all can be reversed.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I know Gwapito as I have friend who is married to German(undergone vasectomy) as he has no plan to have any.
    But her filipna wife wished to have one and after reversed, she got one.
    Now, she keeps on giving advice not to adopt and not to dream to have one.

    But I am not sure if all can be reversed.
    Hi Penny. You are right, not all can be reversed but, this can be spotted on the consultation for a cost of £180.
    The Surgeon I know of had a 92% success rate last year alone and on average he does on average 300 reverse vascestomies a year.

    The closer the dates between the vascestomy and the reverse vasectomy, the higher the chance.

    Bearing in mind the people having all done in there 20's have a bigger chance anyway.

    Looking at the other end where the guy had his vasectomy 15 years ago the stats are not as good as the guy in his 20's but, what must be remembered is, the guy who had his vasectomy 15 years ago is 9 times out of 10 more than likely be married or partnered with a women much older than the 'prime' baby making years IE 18 to 35 years old. This must also be considered when looking at stats.

    So if the guy had his vasectomy 15 years ago and his wife/partner is with in her 'prime' years there is every chance of it being successful, just like the guy in his 20's.

    The facts are the highest chance is in your 20's (3years and below vasectomy) which is 97% the lowest being 79% ( thoses are guy with 15 years plus between vasectomy and reversal) chance of getting pregnant.
    For the small cost of the reversal when you compare the cost with IVF, it is well worth it.

    Bear in mind the average IVF treatment in the UK costs £2500 each time. The cost of the reverse vascetomy at this hospital I know of in the Midlands costs the same as the IVF and you get that chance of getting pregnant every month there after, unlike IVF where you have to spend £2500 each time.

    Yes, you may have to go down the IVF route if the reverse operation don't work, better to do this first though.

    So, yes Not all can be reversed but, look at the chances of sucess, from 97% to the low of 79%, well worth a bet it works Penny.

    When you think many play the lotto every week and that is a 14 million to 1 chance of winning.
    You have to be in it to win it.

  4. #4
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    The facts are the highest chance is in your 20's (3years and below vasectomy) which is 97% the lowest being 79% ( thoses are guy with 15 years plus between vasectomy and reversal) chance of getting pregnant..[/QUOTE
    With respect, quoting "facts" to such a degree of "accuracy" is misleading. All medical practice must be evidence based. No studies are accepted as evidence without including confidence limits, numbers of patients involved, and meta analysis (comparison of similar published studies in peer-reviewed journals). Don't believe such apparently precise figures!
    Vasectomy involves tying, stitching or cauterising (burning) the vas deferens (each of the tubes leading from the testes to the penis) so that sperm, while still produced, cannot exit through the penis. The volume and appearance of the ejaculate, and sexual desire, are little altered. The testes remain normal. The sperm are broken down in the testes. Reversal is technically difficult and not usually effective. Even mechanical success does not equate to success in achieving pregnancy with the partner, and may not be permanent.
    The sperm may be abnormal, possibly because of antibody production, and there is an increased chance of birth defects. Cryostorage (freezing) of sperm before vasectomy is possible.

  5. #5
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    [QUOTE=Doc Alan;226528]
    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    The facts are the highest chance is in your 20's (3years and below vasectomy) which is 97% the lowest being 79% ( thoses are guy with 15 years plus between vasectomy and reversal) chance of getting pregnant..[/QUOTE
    With respect, quoting "facts" to such a degree of "accuracy" is misleading. All medical practice must be evidence based. No studies are accepted as evidence without including confidence limits, numbers of patients involved, and meta analysis (comparison of similar published studies in peer-reviewed journals). Don't believe such apparently precise figures!
    Vasectomy involves tying, stitching or cauterising (burning) the vas deferens (each of the tubes leading from the testes to the penis) so that sperm, while still produced, cannot exit through the penis. The volume and appearance of the ejaculate, and sexual desire, are little altered. The testes remain normal. The sperm are broken down in the testes. Reversal is technically difficult and not usually effective. Even mechanical success does not equate to success in achieving pregnancy with the partner, and may not be permanent.
    The sperm may be abnormal, possibly because of antibody production, and there is an increased chance of birth defects. Cryostorage (freezing) of sperm before vasectomy is possible.
    I am aware of the process, I didnt want to bore the readers.

    As for the antibodies, I'm also aware of that.
    You mention higher risk of birth defects, that is also a known fact that if either partner are there 40's the risk of have a child with defects are laso greatly increased, with or with out reversed vasectomy.

    The figures I quoted are from the surgeon concerned, these are his figures for the year ending December 2009 based on the findings of the 342 reversals made that year.
    Hence the figures I stated.

    I also said, not all are sucessfull.

    All what is guranteed in life is death and taxes.

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