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The facts are the highest chance is in your 20's (3years and below vasectomy) which is 97% the lowest being 79% ( thoses are guy with 15 years plus between vasectomy and reversal) chance of getting pregnant..[/QUOTE
With respect, quoting "facts" to such a degree of "accuracy" is misleading. All medical practice must be evidence based. No studies are accepted as evidence without including confidence limits, numbers of patients involved, and meta analysis (comparison of similar published studies in peer-reviewed journals). Don't believe such apparently precise figures!
Vasectomy involves tying, stitching or cauterising (burning) the vas deferens (each of the tubes leading from the testes to the penis) so that sperm, while still produced, cannot exit through the penis. The volume and appearance of the ejaculate, and sexual desire, are little altered. The testes remain normal. The sperm are broken down in the testes. Reversal is technically difficult and not usually effective. Even mechanical success does not equate to success in achieving pregnancy with the partner, and may not be permanent.
The sperm may be abnormal, possibly because of antibody production, and there is an increased chance of birth defects. Cryostorage (freezing) of sperm before vasectomy is possible.