i don't want to ruffle any feathers or anything ... but ....
I was born when my dad was 37 ... or maybe 38.
I got taunted in school coz my dad was old. In secondary school especially, he was remarkably out of touch.
When I was 10, he was only 48. I was already being taunted for it.
flip to my friend in the Phils. I was living in the same subdivision as a man - a white guy, whose wife is 23, and the guy is 68. Personally, ... that's a massive age gap, but whatever - their life.
anyway ... so the girl gets pregnant right? In like 8 years, the dude dies and the girl is a single mother.
That's a great way to love your child, right? Be so old when he/she's born that you die when he/she's in his/her formative years... the child is 8 years old and daddy dies of "natural causes" or Old Age. Great dad.
Sorry for being so blunt. It's just my view.
thanks for listening.
James "tell-the-truth-whether-you-like-it-or-not" Hubbard!