I dont know really what you mean by "indigenous water. Penny

praps flooding when it rains?
Land area: 115,124 sq mi (298,171 sq km);
total area: 115,830 sq mi (300,000 sq km)
Wiki says the same
What you say about leasing is covered by an interesting catch 22 you cant lease from your wife so encouraging at the very least a live in relationship only .not many Filipinas are enthusiastic about this more tea father
Secondly there is the anti dummy laws which basicaly say if you try to curcumvent the owning land rule by a nomanee they can grab it applies to businesses to anyone thinking of investing in such "opportunities" would do well to read that in full
As you may have guessed this is a subject I feel passionatley about as it is fundamentaly racist as well as being short sighted and definatly not cricket If Europe and The Americas defended the rights of there citizens by only allowing 10,000piso equivalents to leave the country with the owner removed the right to own property (sell it in a reasonable time) and reserved occupations for all those who are not here as specialists it would all change in a heart beat.
The way not to be treated as idiots and be colonised is to have a secure equal in the law and democratic system with a strong economy as I said China is resource hungry and has her eyes on controling asia by fair means or foul I wouldnt count on the west to come running as we dont have a strong interest to defend
Freds point is also well made
My answer John to your point is that to really have the interests of the country in which you choose to live at heart it needs to be inclusive not racist owning and peacefully enjoying your own home is a fundamental human right ,sure if a country doesnt allow foriegn residency no probs but for me the litany "we are only guests" doesnt wash unless its the same for that countries nationals here
Rant Over