yep it is a must that anyone who will travel outside the country must attend that CFO / PRISM thing just to secure the sticker and certificate of attendance (that will be attached in the passport)
well, the UKVACS will not tell you what to do next after the visa has been sorted. or will never advice you to attend such seminar. all they care is your visa application.
coz when i was applying for the visa i phoned the UKVACS and asked what other steps that should be done and asked about the CFO seminar (which i just heard and learned from the forum) and you know what did they tell me:
"Maam, once you have the visa you can fly anytime you like etc... and sorry we dont know about that seminar thing, we are only concerend with your visa application.."![]()
and when i was in the seminar too, there was this guy who was bound for US but he failed to secure the CFO sticker (coz he did not know & was not adviced to do so)![]()
so yeah, its a prerequisite that you know the seminar, do researches etc, just stick with this site and you'll be in good hands...
Thank you again!!!
God bless this forum!![]()