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  1. #1
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    I seem to be missing something !!!!

    Checking on the internet it apears the average income in Philippines is 14,000 P a month, at the present rate about £200 a month.

    I don't know where some posters here are getting their figures from !

    From some of the figues being mentioned here, I could live pretty well in Spain let alone in the Philippines !!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I seem to be missing something !!!!

    Checking on the internet it apears the average income in Philippines is 14,000 P a month, at the present rate about £200 a month.

    I don't know where some posters here are getting their figures from !

    From some of the figues being mentioned here, I could live pretty well in Spain let alone in the Philippines !!!
    I think that someone could live on that in the provinces, but they would probably struggle in Manila or Cebu. It also depends what quality of life you want your other half to have, and how often you want them to contact you.
    I've been to the P.I twice this year, and was surprised at how expensive some things are. For example, toileteries are the same price or more expensive than they are in my local Asda/Tesco's. Clothes are no cheaper over there, phone credit is about the same. Sure, food and accomodation is cheaper, but most accomodation is very basic, and for 5000 a month, you are not going to getting anything like teh same luxury we have here.
    My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accomodation costs, transport, toileteries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I think that someone could live on that in the provinces, but they would probably struggle in Manila or Cebu. It also depends what quality of life you want your other half to have, and how often you want them to contact you.
    I've been to the P.I twice this year, and was surprised at how expensive some things are. For example, toiletries are the same price or more expensive than they are in my local Asda/Tesco's. Clothes are no cheaper over there, phone credit is about the same. Sure, food and accommodation is cheaper, but most accommodation is very basic, and for 5000 a month, you are not going to getting anything like the same luxury we have here.
    My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accommodation costs, transport, toiletries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.

    Who is kidding who?

    I just copied this from the internet, posted by a Brit living in Phil:-

    It depends where you are in the Philippines. As with any country, wages vary widely from place to place. Also it depends if you work. Minimum wage is about 300p ($6) per day. Live-in help will make about 2,500 to 3,000 pesos ($50-60) per month and get free food and lodging and some other expenses. A university professor can make 25,000p ($500) per month. More or less depending upon education and seniority. A taxi drive if he is lucky will clear 500p ($10) a day.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Who is kidding who?

    I just copied this from the internet, posted by a Brit living in Phil:-

    It depends where you are in the Philippines. As with any country, wages vary widely from place to place. Also it depends if you work. Minimum wage is about 300p ($6) per day. Live-in help will make about 2,500 to 3,000 pesos ($50-60) per month and get free food and lodging and some other expenses. A university professor can make 25,000p ($500) per month. More or less depending upon education and seniority. A taxi drive if he is lucky will clear 500p ($10) a day.
    I agree with you, I have seen the same figures myself and told my g/f what the average earnings are. What I was saying is that it we want our g/fs to have a western standard of living and to be in regular contact with us via internet on a smart phone and text messages then it is going to cost us. Ultimately what anyone sends to their other half is down to them andwhat they think is reasonable based on their own financial position and what kind of lifestyle they want them to have.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    hummm ok live in spain for £200 a month ? ok why ent everyone doing it then ?
    anyhows jobs in the philippines so you earn 200php minus travel ok 30php for a couple of jeepney rides there and back or 60 to 100 php if its a trike for what ever reason like its very late so a trike is safer as some companys provide a service trike which you still have to pay for.. a meal whilst you are work then take off the tax and medical phil health/sss and you almost end up paying them for the privalge of working.....i know lots of ppl survive out there ofcourse and more power to thier elbow...but hearing some people say that £200 is loads is an insult... yes they can an do survive on that and less...but why let your loved one just survive....if you can only send £10 a week then that should be and is enuff but if you can send more then you should ofcourse, i dont understand why this thread has got anyone saying you can send to much ? Dont be tight its only money its not like you are giving your last breath of oxegen or the last drop of water geez....have a nice day ppl play nicely

  6. #6
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    Wow. Some people are going to get burned I think. Of course it all depends on circumstances but we must not think in £ but in pesos. Most people earn no more than 6000 per month, and survive OK. Most live within a family who share. Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
    If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    Wow. Some people are going to get burned I think. Of course it all depends on circumstances but we must not think in £ but in pesos. Most people earn no more than 6000 per month, and survive OK. Most live within a family who share. Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
    If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.
    Hear Hear. Much better to save your hard earned cash until she gets to the UK and for your future together.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
    I must be a lucky filipina girl then being a single child of my parents and not having a leeching family like ur saying everyone elses..but even if i did have i wouldnt let them abuse my situation of having a foreign husband...i get whatever i want my husband loves me to bits..his money is our money ..and ones its ours it becomes mine and whats mine he leaves it alone
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  9. #9
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
    If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.
    i agree with you regarding no concept of savings just b'coz one might not have enough to save and one more thing in the philippines when any circumstances arises they can always rely to family member and no matter how poor and how much money they got if someone needs it they surely give their share...i must say..if someone marry a filipino or any other national they should hold and accept their values and tradition as well....give and take and meet halfways

  10. #10
    Respected Member burdock's Avatar
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    I send about £160 a month to Jonalyn,which out of that she pays her share of the bills and I pay for the internet.

    she live with her parents so her cost of living are low.

    I do send more for birthdays and special occasions.

    What I send is the amount that I can afford and still save to go in October.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I think a distinction here needs to be made? If it is for a girlfriend, then I wasn't paying anything, just some load for her phone.

    I'm talking about my wife here, a big difference.

    The thread dosen't state that, it just says partner.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I think a distinction here needs to be made? If it is for a girlfriend, then I wasn't paying anything, just some load for her phone.

    I'm talking about my wife here, a big difference.

    The thread dosen't state that, it just says partner.

  13. #13
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it was i who started this and lots of very good comments like i said and emma is my gf but once here will be my wife i hope

  14. #14
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    looking and my family had a hard time surviving in some point of our lives...we strive till it gets better's not we just lucky but we believe there's always a choice it may be difficult to achieve things at times but choices always there i believe.

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it was i who started this and emma is my gf living there with her family once here we hope to marry an

  16. #16
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    My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accomodation costs, transport, toileteries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.
    Since when is having a blackberry a basic standard of living Most people do just fine here on less than half of 25K. Not sure where you're getting your figures

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Since when is having a blackberry a basic standard of living Most people do just fine here on less than half of 25K. Not sure where you're getting your figures
    I didn't say it was, and I have deliberately not said how much I send as it isn't really anyone elses business. Regarding the BB, I gave her my old BB so that she can be on line and IM me without having to go to the cafe, that is as much for my benefit as hers so I am happy to pay for her load so that she can SMS and IM me as often as possible.
    I have stated numerous times that I have told my g/f to get a job otherwise I will stop supporting her as I feel that she is being picky about what she does as she knows I will help out with her basic living costs. I am happy to continue supporting her if she helps her self and gets a job.
    Regarding the reports that Filipino's can live on 6K a month, they probably can if they live with a family who all help out and chip in. My g/f does not have that luxury, her family are in the provinces. She is currently staying with distant cousins in Manila, but is desperate to get a small place of her own as the relationship with them is strained and she needs to move on.
    From my experience of seeing what prices are like in the shops, I can't see how anyone can live on their own for 6K a month? Sure, they can get by on next to nothing if they just eat rice and dried fish just a couple of times a week, never have any electricity, have no bed or any other furniture in their room, have no toileteries, no decent clothes or shoes, walked everywhere instead of getting trikes, buses or jeepneys and never had credit on their phone. That may be how all of our g/fs lived before we met them, and yes they will still survive if we don't support them. However, I am her boyfriend, we love each other, and I feel it would be wrong of me to live a very luxurious lifestyle by comparison and not give anything. I saw the place she was staying with her realtives on my recent visit, and TBH I wouldn't even let a dog live like that (and I hate dogs), I've also seen photo's of some of the rooms she has stayed in when she has tried to live on her own with no support.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mug or a soft touch either. I question everything she uses her money for to make sure it is being used wisely and not given to cousins to keep them in Red Horse. Sometimes when she hints she needs money I say NO. Sometimes it is to see what the reaction is and to suss if she is genuine or not, and sometimes because I feel I have done my bit already and she needs to learn to be more self sufficient.
    We can all debate about what we think is enough or too much, not enough...etc, but at the end of the day what is sent is personal to each of us. I have a very nice lifestyle in the UK, I hope that one day my g/f will be able to join me here to share that lifestyle, I don't see any problem with trying to give her a very small taste of that now. When i go out to the P.I we stay in nice places and eat good food, I don't think it's a big deal, nor is giving her my old phone and paying for some credit.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I didn't say it was, and I have deliberately not said how much I send as it isn't really anyone elses business. Regarding the BB, I gave her my old BB so that she can be on line and IM me without having to go to the cafe, that is as much for my benefit as hers so I am happy to pay for her load so that she can SMS and IM me as often as possible.
    I have stated numerous times that I have told my g/f to get a job otherwise I will stop supporting her as I feel that she is being picky about what she does as she knows I will help out with her basic living costs. I am happy to continue supporting her if she helps her self and gets a job.
    Regarding the reports that Filipino's can live on 6K a month, they probably can if they live with a family who all help out and chip in. My g/f does not have that luxury, her family are in the provinces. She is currently staying with distant cousins in Manila, but is desperate to get a small place of her own as the relationship with them is strained and she needs to move on.
    From my experience of seeing what prices are like in the shops, I can't see how anyone can live on their own for 6K a month? Sure, they can get by on next to nothing if they just eat rice and dried fish just a couple of times a week, never have any electricity, have no bed or any other furniture in their room, have no toileteries, no decent clothes or shoes, walked everywhere instead of getting trikes, buses or jeepneys and never had credit on their phone. That may be how all of our g/fs lived before we met them, and yes they will still survive if we don't support them. However, I am her boyfriend, we love each other, and I feel it would be wrong of me to live a very luxurious lifestyle by comparison and not give anything. I saw the place she was staying with her realtives on my recent visit, and TBH I wouldn't even let a dog live like that (and I hate dogs), I've also seen photo's of some of the rooms she has stayed in when she has tried to live on her own with no support.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mug or a soft touch either. I question everything she uses her money for to make sure it is being used wisely and not given to cousins to keep them in Red Horse. Sometimes when she hints she needs money I say NO. Sometimes it is to see what the reaction is and to suss if she is genuine or not, and sometimes because I feel I have done my bit already and she needs to learn to be more self sufficient.
    We can all debate about what we think is enough or too much, not enough...etc, but at the end of the day what is sent is personal to each of us. I have a very nice lifestyle in the UK, I hope that one day my g/f will be able to join me here to share that lifestyle, I don't see any problem with trying to give her a very small taste of that now. When i go out to the P.I we stay in nice places and eat good food, I don't think it's a big deal, nor is giving her my old phone and paying for some credit.
    Fair play You seemed to have your head screwed on. It's probably the biggest destructive force in these relationships - money It's just getting the balance right so you know you're appreciated and not encouraging laziness.

  19. #19
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    This is to everybody... Before sending anything ask yourself would she love you just the same if you gave her nothing Would there be tampo if you said NO one time I do help my gf out, but like subseastu says if you make sure its going to a good cause where they can use to then support themselves, and not to idle cousins who spend it on red horse With what I give my gf she pays the credit on a fridge for her folks, and now they sell ice and lollies to the neighbours. I helped her out with her rent when she was still studying. She's kind of independent anyway, and wants to earn her own cash instead of having an allowance off me. Plus she likes to keep busy, it'd drive her mad shopping and sitting in parlours all the time.

    Some of the sums being stated here seem very OTT. Even if there's a reason why she can't work herself, can't see why anybody would send anything more than the average wage here

  20. #20
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it seems all my dreams are in shatters i was hoping to live out in the phils on 25k a month but seems like once out there i better get a rich spinster to help me out

  21. #21
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    it seems all my dreams are in shatters i was hoping to live out in the phils on 25k a month but seems like once out there i better get a rich spinster to help me out
    Depends on your lifestyle steve, I think its do-able just have to drink the REALLY cheap rhum instead of the normal cheap rhum! If you find a rich spinster see if she's a rich spinster sister as well will you. THink I could manage being a toyboy!
    It's been emontional

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    my typing is crap i ment a beer not a bear my hands arnt that big

  23. #23
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    my typing is crap i ment a beer not a bear my hands arnt that big
    Could have a small bear in one hand and a large beer in the other
    It's been emontional

  24. #24
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well all i asked was a simple question about what to send and wow, now i know how wars start, my lifestyle is cheap like we have said before a bear in one hand the bbq on and sun on my face, i have even thought of not buying loo paper once there and just wash look haw much that will save

  25. #25
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    well all i asked was a simple question about what to send and wow, now i know how wars start, my lifestyle is cheap like we have said before a bear in one hand the bbq on and sun on my face, i have even thought of not buying loo paper once there and just wash look haw much that will save
    Things certainly blow up fast in some of these threads. THink you should've put a religous angle on it mate, that would've kept things calm!!

    You don't even need to wash mate, just straddle the bannister on the stairs and slide down. Cleaned and fun
    It's been emontional

  26. #26
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Things certainly blow up fast in some of these threads. THink you should've put a religous angle on it mate, that would've kept things calm!!

    You don't even need to wash mate, just straddle the bannister on the stairs and slide down. Cleaned and fun
    combine the two and start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

    then stand back and watch the fireworks

  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

    then stand back and watch the fireworks
    ... like I'VE been doing for the past couple of weeks since starting that ill-fated thread of mine. It IS strange ... but true!!

  28. #28
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... like I'VE been doing for the past couple of weeks since starting that ill-fated thread of mine. It IS strange ... but true!!
    Please god not again!!!!!
    It's been emontional

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    combine the two and start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

    then stand back and watch the fireworks

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm too

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