wonder how u come up with those statistics fred...just when i left the philippines my babys milk cost me 845 /900 gm of milk and based on my experience the younger the baby is the expensive their milk are...the monthly check ups, and the vaccines where the last cost me 4500 for one shot alone. babys distilled water...i remember my baby when he's 6 months old he can consume 4 to 5 big tins of milk a month and increase more while he is getting older...what about the vitamins, the baby food, clothing stc...when i was working in manila i tried to board for a month and that cost me 1500 for a single bed where u share the room with 3 other person and that was 10 years ago.....hard to make computation isnt it but thats not the reality i can say...anyway my baby is worth spending for way more than what u mention above...