what is tha avarage you send your partner if she is still in the phils and you are here in cash terms
what is tha avarage you send your partner if she is still in the phils and you are here in cash terms
We need more information to give u a figure steve
Is she living at home with her mum,or has she got her own place....is she renting...is she at school or taking further education..do u have children ..at they at school...?????
how much is she asking for??
how much do you love her??![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
emma does not ask for any amount at all i just send what i can when i can , emma lives with her sister and her nieces and nephews, and i will shout to the world i love her more each time we see each other
My Mahal also asks for nothing Steve, she says that her two sons are not my responsibility and does not want me to have to help her, she is very proud that she can support them. But, if she goes back to Phils when her visa runs out, I would help of course. She has her own lot and house, lives with Mother, Sister, her 2 sons 8 + 10 and a brother. She has sari-sari store. But how much would it take to support her??
If your sending all u can and your both happy with that then that should be good enuff..but,if your looking for actual figure in this circumstances a minimum of £200to help for food and other essentials like to buy a new pair of shoes every month.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
I used to wire money via the bank which in itself is expensive but I think I used to send about 300quid / month. THis was back when the exchange rate was around the 100 to the pound mark. Ah those where the days
It's been emontional
well it seems i am not sending enough if the figures what is quoted here , you are very lucky steve with your partner working and has her own place too, sending just enough i think is ok myself, i have bills to pay and trying to pay my mortgage quicker as long as emma does not go without i will send what i ahve been doing for now,
Steve, a common misconception is that many think that we are high earners, with plenty of money to throw around. The fact that we have to save hard to make our trips to Phils and have spending money for the nice things, treats, gifts means nothing. I am in an average job, average money, like many here, I work hard for what I get. I know the majority of people in Phils are what we call poor, but it must be appreciated that we are not so 'rich' as we are made out to be.
I am fortunate I guess as I do not have a mortgage any more because of my divorce, but I would struggle if I was able to get another one and a shoebox to live in. If you send money to your Mahal, it must be appreciated that it is not as easy or disposable as it seems.
When I was in Pinas, I don't really ask.
Hubby sent me P 150,000.00
and some amount I can't remember anymore.
The last one was 50,000 for my ticket.![]()
I don't think that many people send £200 a month back to the Phils.
That is a LOT of money to send back in my opinion.
It also depends on your income in the UK and how your finances are
Be careful.
Search on this forum and you will find lots of previous posts on this issue.
Normally 60,000 a month covers everything including luxuries, but can happily live on 40,000 easily in a nice apartment.
i am sending £300 a month at present for living expenses when Myrna was living in manila for a few months doing all the visa stuff.
shes back in the province now and going out there soon so wont be sending as much- i always make sure she has enough tho so she can text me a lot![]()
well there are 2 answers here some live with family already so there is no rent to pay yes you do know that what you are sending your partner also may help her family too but unless you are earning lots and have no mortgage here £ 200 a month is a lot of money to send, i do earn well but that helps me pay my mortgage quicker so then when emma is here we can live better
I think send what you can afford, what else can you do? Why should you send more than you can afford? I think it is too easy to just support a partner, or have them 100% rely on you. Should you expect that? If they had never met you how were they living? they managed on very little, but made do. Spoil someone and it is expected and then some. Be real. I am no multi millionaire here, so help when and with what I can.
I completely agree with you Steve. I have been sensing that my g/f is getting very picky about the jobs she will consider because she knows I help out. If I wasn't helping, she would take anything that was going, and I have now told her that unless she gets a job I won't help any more, but if she gets a job I will help out and make up the difference for what she needs.
Whatever anyone sends is personal to them and based on what they can afford and how much they feel they should/can help. Everyone will send different amounts based on the above, but it doesn;t matter what anyone else sends, just do what you feel is right for your circumstances. I'm sure she will appreciate whatever you send, and if she doesn't and starts complaining, I would ask why she is really interested in you.
When my wife was living in Manila I was sending 15,000 fixed every 4th week when I got paid, whatever the exchange rate was.
At least Jane was able to budget/manage her money.
I gave her one of visa cards and made the mistake to put more in the account on this particular month, just as a safety measure.
Jane thought it was extras and spent it
It was my fault of course that it was spent
We had an understanding after that, when the 15,000 was gone, that was it until my next pay day.
Those days have gone now thank goodness, Jane is here with me in the UK
there is no right or wrong amount here- we send what we can to be able support our loved ones while they are over there- i am lucky at present that i can afford to send Myrna a decent amount- but in the past i have been in an unfortunate position of not being able to afford to send anything to an ex of mine to help support her
as long as our ladys know that we aint made of money and appreciate what we can send i am sure they dont mind whether its 1000 peso or 100,000 depending on our circumstance
and if they do mind then perhaps we need to look at that relationship......
we are all in the same situation sim, what do we do for best ,we have to servive here and we want our partners to have a great life too but ir all comes down to cash, i need england for work thats all, yes they say you have to look way ahead, our health and so on but how long do you work here before saying i have enough then before you now your past it knackerd and ready to pop off , i dont want that, i know the more i send to emma the more her family borrow it and thats ok in emmas eyes, its a tuff one but worth it i cant wait to marry her, but again only send what you can afford
I think you misunderstood me... I'm not sending her luxury money, this is survival money...This thread is starting to annoy me a bit. I don't think some of you realise the costs in the Philippines?
My wife can only get a part-time job, that pays 100php per day. There is a minimum wage in the Philippines, but nobody seems to pay it?...How is she supposed to live on that?
Most of us have been to the Philippines a lot Sim11UK, so we make judgements on finances based on our experiences.
These judgements are based on so many things that are different for all of us.
I supported my wife before we got married and also now that she is no longer working in the UK getting ready for our first child.
Yes I understand that, but your original post said you doubted many sent £200 with the yikes smilie after it.
As it has progressed, you can see many send more, now I'm using the yikes smilie
Basically what I send pays her Boarding House rent, bills, half decent food etc. As she says, she leads a simple life, she's not interested in designer gear, parlours etc. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to send it, as it is a struggle, but whilst we are apart, I have to make sure she is provided for, she's my wife after all.
It is surprising, but with a weak £ & a strong Peso, money dosen't go that far.![]()
can i ask you sim and others on here why is your wife in the phils still and are you wanting them to be here or you would rather be there if you could
Hi Sim11UK,
I think it is admirable that you are sending what you think is the correct amount.
I still think my first post is correct regarding the amount, but this is only my guess.
I prefer to plan for property to go to my wife one day and that all her needs are met in the meantime.
I work 60-70 hours/week to facilitate this.
We do what we have to do.![]()
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