Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
we are all in the same situation sim, what do we do for best ,we have to servive here and we want our partners to have a great life too but ir all comes down to cash, i need england for work thats all, yes they say you have to look way ahead, our health and so on but how long do you work here before saying i have enough then before you now your past it knackerd and ready to pop off , i dont want that, i know the more i send to emma the more her family borrow it and thats ok in emmas eyes, its a tuff one but worth it i cant wait to marry her, but again only send what you can afford
I think you misunderstood me... I'm not sending her luxury money, this is survival money...This thread is starting to annoy me a bit. I don't think some of you realise the costs in the Philippines?
My wife can only get a part-time job, that pays 100php per day. There is a minimum wage in the Philippines, but nobody seems to pay it?...How is she supposed to live on that?