for a 1 to 3 month old baby a tin of formula costs about 280 Pesos which last a week..That increases to 2-2-1/2 tins when the child is 6 months old so throw in the nappies and call it 20 quid a month.
A Filipino run 1 bed apartment can be rented from 2.500k per month in Manila and the average low income Filipino family spend probably no more than 500 a month on electricity..(forget A/C)
A single Filipino can eat and drink in a fast food shopping mall joint 3 times a day for about 180 Pesos. That includes meat veg , rice and and 3 glasses of water. or about 100 per day or less if they do their own cooking.(being generous here)
Purified water is 25 P for a 5 gallon container and should last one person 2 weeks.
General water supply around 100,Pesos per month.
Internet cafe that I use (province price) 12-15 Pesos per hour.(Manila price from 25 Pesos per hour).