Believe it or not,I know the costs of babies milk as Im sent out on an errand to buy the stuff every week

The littln in our house is 6 months old now and we discovered about 3 months ago that she is allergic to Cows milk..So from 3 months onwards we have been buying her soya milk which is more expensive of course!! That comes to no more than 1000 Pesos per month.. She is a pretty small baby and and didn't have the greatest start in life as the nurses gave her only a 50/50 chance of survival after her mother died giving birth to her..
In regards her vaccines..She has had all her shots which were administered free of charge (the same as all kids here) at our local barangay health clinic.
Opposite our apartment building in Imus Cavite,there is a Filipino run apartment block...A two bedroom unit is 2,500 Pesos per month..Its inside a gated sub division.
No idea what it looks like on the inside but I would be happy to pass on the address to anyone interested..
The costs I provided above are the realistic and latest costs of what a Filipino can and will live on and are by no means set at a minimum.
Its all very well people living in England discussing endlessly how much to send,but I feel it only fair that they are made aware of base Filipino minimum wage living costs..They can make adjustments 10 fold from there if they so wish.
That of course is none of my business and as I said before I couldn't care less..