I guess many filipina's reading this thread will be greatly offended.
quotes like 'I gave my old phone some credit'....'Don't give her too much, otherwise the family will expect more'....'I always question when she asks or implys she needs more money'
These ladies are your loved ones, not slaves or even worse, second class citizens, more lowly than you.
For the guys who have to keep questioning about money issues all the time, do you think you are ready for any relationship, let alone with a filipina.
My wife works full time here in the UK. She does not touch her money, it is saved every month, so I got a filipina that can save, is it that rare?
She does not send money home, mine or her's.
Her family can look after themselves, is it that rare?
I treat my wife with the same respect as she treats me, a partnership.
Ingredients for a everlasting relationship.
Come on boys, lets not tar all our filipina's with the same brush