Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
well done gwapito!!!....never got offended personally as i know what my status is in life weather have or have not a foreigner husband but i feel sad and offended for the other filipina as this thread really is offensive in my point of view. you guys don't know how they prepare as well as their family to give you a nice welcome everytime you guys come round...even spent their last money just to have something to serve you on the table...and u guys moaning only for a bottle of red horse.. filipnos not only who married foreigner man always support their family especially their parents weather they need to give them or not..just b'coz it makes them happy sharing what they got. thats the way we brought up. i dont personally need to send money back to philippines but sending my mom money makes me feel happy as well as sending little things to my brothers. im millions miles away and i feel thats the only way i can show to them i love them and my thoughts are always with them....if some of here feels they are being taken advantage of sending money then dont send at all and for some filipina who wants to marry a foreigner and vice versa make this an eye opener...always remember that it is better to have a dignity than having money..or should i say a visa...
I think there are some misunderstandings here

Members here are at many diferent stages of relationships with Filipinas from wanting a relationship.to having just met someone on line .a recent visit.a girlfriend ....long term LDR..to recently married and so on.

Even amongst Filipinas wide diferences exist GParry although your post is thanking Gwapito his clearly says his wife saves HER money and neither send any back thats 100% diferent to your position and sugestion of norms.

Perhaps what should be said is its no bad thing to find out quickly about the Philipines local expenditure and make it clear what you position is in the relationship from early on .

Its not for example normal here to meet a lady become boyfriend / girl friend and start to support her or him from the start it might become so at some point the cautionary information here in this thread is because of personal experiences as well as accounts from ex-pats and guys who have been this route perhaps more than once

Im sure Filipinas here would believe a significant part of the online dating services are attracting less than moral folk of all genders that is in no way to sugest any one here is part of these groups but not to give due warning is less than kind.

If you know what you want to do and have 100% trust in your partner then you wouldnt be in need of any advice from here but if your just starting out a good understanding of how things are in the Fils can be invaluable

Good communication from the start is the key but misunderstandings occur easily both in language and culture and there are vastly diferent ranges of disposable income available as the membership here has demonstrated.

The fatted calf version you mention is not the only one available and many guys I know have had the experience of being treated with less than respect at least by our own cultural standards and were seen by the families as walking a,t,m,s having for example invited immediate family out for a meal and having 30 people turn up.

The other thing to consider if your lady doesnt come from a relatively well of family is how much pressure she may be put under to fund the family and how embarresed she may be

These dificult bits though can help to bring you together more quickley if handled from understanding rather than being in the dark