Filipino emigrants or those leaving the country to settle permanently abroad are required to register with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas. Part of its registration requirements is attendance in the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) to prepare them for settlement overseas.
Citigold Center, 1345 Pres. Quirino Avenue
corner Osmeña Highway (South Superhighway)
Manila, Philippines 1007

This is how i do it and hope this also helps some future applicants:

1. attend a one-on-one guidance counselling and bring all your
necessary documents (in front of la salle taft manila),you can get your certificate the same day.

* make sure you know some personal details of your husband/fiance
like his mothers maiden name,the month and date he visited the philippines...if your partner is divorced or annuled make sure you are also prepared for answer as they will interrogate you a little.

*bring a picture of you and your husband/fiance.

*photocopy of your documents.

*dont forget to check your first certificate before you leave the office.

2. Wait for the visa to come out and once its out u can visit the PRISM office for registration.

*bring Identification card,pasport,visa,first certificate(guidance counselling),and registration form
*photocopy of all your documents
*dont forget to check your CFO sticker and certificate before you leave the office.