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Thread: Commission on filipino overseas (registered)

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Its legal requirement so i supposed an applicant should supply correct information..
    and Its a protection for us filipinos to prevent human trafficking / abuse and not about human rights.

    A legal requirement, I should be grateful if you could quote the actual law which says that. I don't say there is not one but I should like to read it as from what I hear at least some of the interviewers give the impression that they are nasty to interviewees as maybe they are jealous that the person has found a way to travel abroad.

    I know the intention of the interview, as I said above, is to explain citizens rights etc when they are abroad but some of the questions , example , what education did your husband receive, until the age of say 16, when the husband has been a senior company executive for many years, does not seen to give any assistance to the applicant.

    Another point. My wife went for the interview on the 'Spanish Day' as she was coming to Spain. They told he she would need to attend on the UK day as she was marrying a Brit (albeit that she had no plans to go to UK). When she went to get the exit stamp in her passport they wanted to know why she had done the UK day when she should have done the Spanish one. They were giving her a hard time. Fortunately, I had a copy of an email in which I had questioned with a senior official of CFO re the change of day.

  2. #2
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    QUOTE: * make sure you know some personal details of your husband/fiance
    like his mothers maiden name,the month and date he visited the philippines...if your partner is divorced or annuled make sure you are also prepared for answer as they will interrogate you a little.

    Don't worry too much about knowing the correct answers. The person questioning you does not know the answer either so you can say anything you choose.

    It is unfortunate that a system which was (I believe) set up to assist citizens who move abroad, so that they know what to expect, their rights and how they might protect themselves is also a kind of 'punishment' on the applicants. If I were asked in my country many of the questions, which are asked, I would tell them it is none of their business. In many countries to treat citizens in that way would be a violation of their human rights.
    As a Filipina I won't be acting like that coz it will be more harder they process my concern, whatever they wanted I'll try my best to give them as long as they follow the rule
    I believe if I acted politely I can get what I want in return..
    and If they are being nasty I'll stay calm and defend my right as a FILIPINO
    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Its legal requirement so i supposed an applicant should supply correct information..
    and Its a protection for us filipinos to prevent human trafficking / abuse and not about human rights.
    well said

    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    A legal requirement, I should be grateful if you could quote the actual law which says that. I don't say there is not one but I should like to read it as from what I hear at least some of the interviewers give the impression that they are nasty to interviewees as maybe they are jealous that the person has found a way to travel abroad.
    I hope it helps
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  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    A legal requirement, I should be grateful if you could quote the actual law which says that.

    Legal Mandate

    The work of CFO is guided by the following laws and executive and administrative orders:
    Batas Pambansa Bilang 79. An Act Creating the Commission on Filipinos Overseas and for Other Purposes (June 16, 1980)
    Executive Order No. 728. Retaining The Commission on Filipinos Overseas Under the Office of the President as a Critical Agency, Designating the Members of the Commission and Providing for the Organizational Guidelines of the Secretariat of the Commission (September 12, 1981)
    Executive Order No. 938. Establishing the Overseas Offices of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas Pursuant to Section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 79 (March 2, 1984)
    Executive Order No. 498. Institutionalizing the Presidential Awards For Filipino Individuals And Organizations Overseas (December 19, 1991)
    Administrative Order No. 242. Further Reconstituting the Exchange Visitors Program Committee and Redefining its Functions (January 17, 1996)
    Executive Order No. 346. Amending Executive Orders No. 728 and 938, Redefining the Organizational Structure, Functional Thrusts and Providing for the Operational Guidelines of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (June 14, 1996)
    Executive Order No. 252. Establishing the Inter-Agency Committee on Philippine Schools Overseas, Defining its Composition, Structure, and Functions (May 5, 2000)
    Executive Order No. 343. Transferring the Commission on Filipinos Overseas from the Department of Foreign Affairs to the Office of the President (August 5, 2004)
    Executive Order No. 373. Reorganizing the Composition of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas Under the Office of the President (October 18, 2004)
    Executive Order No. 457. Designating the Commission on Filipinos Overseas as the Lead Agency for the Commemoration of the Centennial of Filipino Migration to Hawaii (August 23, 2005)
    Executive Order No. 550. Creating the Presidential Task Force NCLEX and addressing Concerns Arising from the Possible Conduct of NCLEX in the Philippines (July 31, 2006
    Executive Order No. 548. Creating a Task Force Against Illegal Recruitment Under the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (August 1, 2006)
    Executive Order 548-A. Creating the Presidential Task Force Against Human Trafficking (February 9, 2007)

    you have a lot to read now mr johncar....
    and for your info,we need this cfo sticker and registration,so we have to do it right
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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