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Thread: change of surname......

  1. #1
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    change of surname......

    Hi everyone, I've been a long time member but I seldom come online never the less I'm always gratefull for all the help my husband and I got from this forum. I just want to ask for some advice regarding the changing of surname, I had an idea that I should start with my and where should I go for the first step? will it not be conflicting coz my Identity card has my maiden surname in it? how much is the fee for updating the passport and how long will it take to process? thank you very much and hoping to hear from you soon. more power to the forum.
    p.s- btw I'm from Belfast, is there an office I can go to near my place? or should it really be in London?

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Gervo, To get the correct answer may I suggest you give some more info.

    What passport do you hold?

    Why do you want to change your surname ?

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi John, I currently hold a Philippine passport, I was married last January to my British fiance and now I want to update my documents and have my husbands surname.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    We went to the Philippines Consul in Madrid, we live in Spain and were on a trip to Madrid. They did a manuscript amendment in a couple of hours. I think we just took the NSO copy marriage cert.

    I checked on the internet there appear to be Philippine Consulate offices in London and Edinburgh. I could not see anything for Northern Ireland. Maybe someone else will know more.

    This is the number for the Philippines Consulate in London. Maybe a call to them will tell you how it can best be done for you. Phone 020 7937 1600 (sorry I cannot delete the Skype link, three tries)

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I checked on the internet there appear to be Philippine Consulate offices in London and Edinburgh. I could not see anything for Northern Ireland. Maybe someone else will know more.
    Like John, I checked the internet and couldn't find anything listed for a Philippine Consulate in Belfast ... which, frankly, surprises me! Edinburgh would seem to be the nearer of the only two in the UK. This, then, begs the question: Is it really essential you renew your passport at this stage ... bearing in mind, of course, that the answer will depend on how much longer it has to run? Otherwise, why bother? Wouldn't it be as well to wait until ... maybe say ... slightly more than six months before it's due to expire? After all, your ID card is in your maiden name, so why incur unnecessary and expensive travel costs on top of the handling fee?

    Ultimately it's YOUR choice. I daresay you COULD send it by either Registered Post or Recorded Delivery, if you feel it really matters to have the name changed in accordance with your married status. I'm mentioning all this because MY wife's passport - valid until September 2013 - still bears her own name.

  6. #6
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    I agree with Arthur. You of course don't need to change your passport in order to start using your husband's surname.

    I have mentioned several times, in other threads, that a person can change their name (first names and surname) without any formalities. To change it to your husband's surname would be accepted by most as the 'legal' thing to do (even though in UK a woman is not required by law to change her name on marriage).

    So, as Arthur said, why not just inform everyone else that you are married and your name is now Mrs ............ and then change the name on your passport when it needs renewing. That might even coincide with a trip to Phil.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Ok thanks for the help/advice about this matter John and Arthur....really means a lot.

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