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Thread: Can anyone help me? Regarding on what VISA to apply Fiancee or Visit Visa?

  1. #1
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    Can anyone help me? Regarding on what VISA to apply Fiancee or Visit Visa?

    Ive met my bf in a certain site and we fell in love. And then everyday we chat in YM. Now we have plans to settled in together but he wants me to get a uk visa. I was confused in what to apply. I remember that if finacee visa there is a requirement that we should meet and have photographic pic as we planned to married after 6 months upon validity of the fiancee visa. besides he was the one who will sponsor me all in all. but he wanted me the one to be there in uk instead of him coming here manila. i know for the fact that there is no chance to passed for the finacee visa if it lacks of proof. yes we do chat and email and called up each other but the photographic proof is one of the main requirement and evidence that you two are in a relationship and planning to get marry.
    He wanted me to be in UK this October.

    Heres my question...
    What type of visa should i have to apply?

    If visit visa to apply. Should i need bank accounts that i have to prove them i will come back here in manila? I just recent open a comp. cafe here in my home and i never open any bank account.

    How many months does it take time for visa to be issued and approved?

    Please help me. Please...

  2. #2
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    hello and welcome to the forum!
    You are right,u should have at least meet each other for u to qualify for a fiancée visa.
    If you go for visit visa, you need to have money in your bank, and evidence that you will come back here in philippines. e.g. you have work / letter from your employer that you will be back for your work, etc..
    Other members here will correct me if im wrong... but based on the previous threads here that's how it goes.. and also USE the SEARCH function, read old post it will help u

    Good luck!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    How many time do I type this: HE NEEDS TO VISIT YOU ..... it makes the visa process sooooo much easier, and shows his commitment to you and your family...... as well as UK immigration. It also ensures he gets a better understanding of your lif & culture in the Phil which helps the relationship.

    Then when he's gone and you decide to be together, you need a Fiancee Visa, unless you marry when he is with you in which case it's a Spouse Visa.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    How many time do I type this: HE NEEDS TO VISIT YOU ..... it makes the visa process sooooo much easier, and shows his commitment to you and your family...... as well as UK immigration. It also ensures he gets a better understanding of your lif & culture in the Phil which helps the relationship.

    Then when he's gone and you decide to be together, you need a Fiancee Visa, unless you marry when he is with you in which case it's a Spouse Visa.
    Boss grew tired of typing eh
    but he s right! your BF must visit u here.. tell him if he is really serious in your relationship he will come and visit u first, he is the man anyway, haler!!!

    I dont see the point why he is insisting that u should be the one to visit?
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    How many time do I type this: HE NEEDS TO VISIT YOU ..... it makes the visa process sooooo much easier, and shows his commitment to you and your family...... as well as UK immigration. It also ensures he gets a better understanding of your lif & culture in the Phil which helps the relationship.

    Then when he's gone and you decide to be together, you need a Fiancee Visa, unless you marry when he is with you in which case it's a Spouse Visa.
    You have heard of cut and paste haven't you fella?! It will save you so much time!

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Put in a nutshell, Marlyn, and the boss as well, each make very valid points in their respective responses. Given the intricacies of the UK Visa System, it would be far less complicated overall if your boyfriend were to visit the Phils. It's what I, myself, did (after also meeting my then girlfriend online) ... and, it would be fair to say, [most] other men did too ... because this factor on its own, demonstrates a certain level of commitment on the man's part - which is invaluable if and when a couple decide to "tie the knot" and apply for one or either of the settlement visas. Likewise, photographic evidence of the two of you together is vitally important in this context.

    Good Luck with your 'powers of persuasion' to this end ... and to the filipino/uk forum.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for all your help. Just wanted to clear all this and Very Sorry Win2Win lolz. I know and im all aware just wanted to make sure if there are possibilities for my questions. I understand perfectly and before i ask for this thread I already read all the requirements for fiancee visa and other type of visa.

    yes i believe so that i should have assets and bank account if im going to apply for visit visa. and yes also for the photographic images evidence. I'll tell it to him to visit me even for just a couple of days if it needs for that.

    Thank you all. LOL sorry for those who are grumpy answering same questions lolz.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tondogirl View Post
    I'll tell it to him to visit me even for just a couple of days if it needs for that.
    ... for a couple of WEEKS - bare minimum! Otherwise the poor guy will be jetlagged with the trip there and back; it'll take two full days of travel EACH way!!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Does he not want to come & visit you?...& if not why not?

    Don't be in a rush, to marry a man you haven't met. And as for getting you over here, by october, it's not going to happen.

    Meet & get to know each other first & take it from there.

  10. #10
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    U.K. visa.

    My female friend in Surigao went to the trouble and expense of flying to Manila to V.F.S to apply for a visitor visa for the U.K. She had to pay the application fee into the bank at least one day in advance forcing her to stay overnight to arrive in the office at 7 am the following morning without an appointment. She had a new passport, application forms, birth certificate etc. V.F.S also want to see photographs of the room in my house where she will stay. None of this information is required in the application form, so is unfair. They asked for her bank account statements and mine to show she can support herself while in the U.K and that I too have enough money to support her. We formed the opinion that the U.K does not want to issue visas and that they make it as hard and stressful as possible. Does anybody know how much money needs to be shown on our bank accounts to persuade V.F.S to grant the visas as they will not tell us. I guessed it may be as high as £5,000 each or at the current exchange rate of 66 pesos per pound 330,000pesos. thank you, Mike

  11. #11
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    u.k. visa

    Tondogirl. I have met many girls on Asianeuro over the last year, many of them were scammers and I lost a lot of money. It will work the other way too. You girls are pretty and every man wants to have a pretty girl. I am worried about you and all the other girls who intend going abroad, leaving their families to have a better life. Remember that Britain is a very cold place during winter, you may not have experienced cold when you can not go outside for several months, it is not like your tropical country. Most westerners would prefer to live in the Philippines only because of the lovely warm weather. I am concerned that this boy friend of yours is not willing to fly to Manila to meet you and that once you are in the U.K will you be happy or dumped. It is impossible to know who you are dealing with over Yahoo messenger. I advise you to INSIST he meets you in Manila and in any case it will help your application. If you do come to the U.K and need urgent help remember this site. Be careful, Mike

  12. #12
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    Tondogirl. I have met many girls on Asianeuro over the last year, many of them were scammers and I lost a lot of money. It will work the other way too. You girls are pretty and every man wants to have a pretty girl. I am worried about you and all the other girls who intend going abroad, leaving their families to have a better life. Remember that Britain is a very cold place during winter, you may not have experienced cold when you can not go outside for several months, it is not like your tropical country. Most westerners would prefer to live in the Philippines only because of the lovely warm weather. I am concerned that this boy friend of yours is not willing to fly to Manila to meet you and that once you are in the U.K will you be happy or dumped. It is impossible to know who you are dealing with over Yahoo messenger. I advise you to INSIST he meets you in Manila and in any case it will help your application. If you do come to the U.K and need urgent help remember this site. Be careful, Mike
    You were right Mike.
    You never know what would your life will be specially you are just about to meet your boyfriend for the first time in person in a strange contry that you have never been.
    Make him come to visit you here in the Philippines and introduce to him the life and culture.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  13. #13
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    I came to England in 2004 through fiancee visa
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  14. #14
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    it's best for you to get fiancee visa... tell him to meet you in person in the philippines even just for 2 weeks or so.. it's the best way for you to know each other more.
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

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