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  1. #1
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    career options question

    Hello guys.
    I'm new here.
    Been in the country for over a month, and now in job hunting mode. Just want to ask, what kind of jobs do Filipinas usually land here in UK? And is it possible to make a career change here, or better stick to what you know? I just want to know my options before I start looking seriously, though I have been browsing in the internet.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Filipinas/Filipnos are well known, for working in the care industry over here, in care/nursing homes.
    You can make a career change here, but you may possibly have to train, or gain some qualifications?
    Probably qualifications gained in the Philippines, wont be recognised here?
    What would you like to do? You could do something completely different, to what you've previously done.
    Keep your options open. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks SIM11UK.
    I am worried that my qualifications and experience may not be recognized here. I am an IT programmer, with work experience in the Philippines, but mostly in Japan. I want to move to a new industry, but I don't have enough funds to go to school or I might give applying for a programming job a try.
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryBaby View Post
    Thanks SIM11UK.
    I am worried that my qualifications and experience may not be recognized here. I am an IT programmer, with work experience in the Philippines, but mostly in Japan. I want to move to a new industry, but I don't have enough funds to go to school or I might give applying for a programming job a try.
    Thanks again
    check your qualifications here .

  5. #5
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    Unfortunately the job market in the UK still isn't that good, and you may find yourself at a slight disadvantage because you don't have any UK work experience.

    One option you may want to consider if you want to change industries is applying for a job in your new industry that doesn't require any specific training/qualifications. If you are good and keen enough your employer may fund the training you need to progress your career.

  6. #6
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    Have you tried some of the popular recruiting websites? Do you have examples of your work that you can show to people to prove your abilities? A lot of UK and US programming is outsourced to the Philippines now, have you been involved in that kind of work?

  7. #7
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    thank you for the replies.
    Unfortunately I have not done any programming jobs for any US or UK companies. I worked in the Philippines for 1 year, but worked for 3 years in for a Japanese IT company in Japan. As for qualifications, I have a 4 year degree in IT, an IT engineer's certification (for Philippines and Japan only), and got an 8.5 band in my IELTS exam.

    I do not have any previous projects that I can show because we were not allowed to take home any work. If they want to test my skills, I can take aptitude and programming tests.

    But these wont probably be enough...hmm hmm

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryBaby View Post
    thank you for the replies.
    Unfortunately I have not done any programming jobs for any US or UK companies. I worked in the Philippines for 1 year, but worked for 3 years in for a Japanese IT company in Japan. As for qualifications, I have a 4 year degree in IT, an IT engineer's certification (for Philippines and Japan only), and got an 8.5 band in my IELTS exam.

    I do not have any previous projects that I can show because we were not allowed to take home any work. If they want to test my skills, I can take aptitude and programming tests.

    But these wont probably be enough...hmm hmm
    Sounds like you should try to get a similar job. Worth contacting/going to some more specialist agencies if possible, what languages have you experience in programing in?

    Try websites like may give you some ideas.

    Can you work on any projects while looking. I know this is not always easy due to the complexity of software to do.

    You may not get your ideal job at first thats the same anywhere. Does the Firm you work for have a UK office?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    hi cryBaby ive been here in UK over a month too... having a hard time applying for work, when did u take up IELTS? do u have some reviewers to share? im planning to sit for an exam too... many thanks

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erlyn View Post
    hi cryBaby ive been here in UK over a month too... having a hard time applying for work, when did u take up IELTS? do u have some reviewers to share? im planning to sit for an exam too... many thanks
    to the forum, Erlyn ... and Good Luck with your IELTS exam.

  11. #11
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    thanks arthur.. havent done any review yet..

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hopefully you will soon be able to communicate more easily with one another - once you've notched up 15 posts apiece ... and been provided with a 'message box' each. Meanwhile, please feel free to use our "chat" facility ... as it's a good way to "converse" with others on the site - and make new friends.

  13. #13
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    Thank you for the advice. Entry-level job is find with me. I'll think about developing small projects while looking, thanks.

    @Erlyn. I took the exam last year in the Philippines. My review book was Barron's IELTS. But also downloaded some materials from Cambridge.

    If you need some tips, maybe I can help. Good luck!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    make sure you do the right version of IELTS, as there are 2 versions, Academic and General IELTS

  15. #15
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    i need to take academic cos im a nurse, i am also looking for a job as healthcare assistant for the meantime. Ive been here for a month now, trying to practice english as i can. I was not born as a writer, so I am having difficulty in writing essays... :( also hard for me in listening because of the british accent. :(

  16. #16
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    to arthur little: where can i find the chat menu or chat window on this forum? can u help me find other features of the forum? im a just a newbie here... thanks....

  17. #17
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    I took the academic test too. I did worst in writing .
    Maybe you wont have problems with the reading module. But if it helps, practice reading a magazine article for not more than 7 minutes. Also, you can try encircling proper nouns, numbers, or words written in bold or italics. They will probably come up in the questions. So it's easier to skim through.
    I found the writing part difficult, especially the one describing either a chart or a diagram. Look at sample essays describing either of the following: pie graph, line graph, bar graph, pictograph, chart or table, or a process diagram. To reach the the 150 words, write an intro, a body and a conclusion. Use words that describe the movement of the graph, like escalate, drop, rise, fall, constant etc.
    hope these help.
    good luck!

  18. #18
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    thanks cryBaby.. im having a hardtime writing essays.. and also scared in speaking.. im not that fluent and I usually running out of words...

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