Quote Originally Posted by mikey73 View Post
hi arthur
do you ever get up to fraserburgh or new deer? there isnt much in the broch now. its fast becoming a ghost town. not many shops in the broad street or high street anymore. lots of empty units. its changed alot since we first moved there, once it was ver busy but with the fishing industry running down the town has went the same way. its a shame seeng the number of boarded up shops and hotels too very sad.
Yes, I'm quite often in Fraerburgh - usually only fleetingly, though - whenever Fiona needs the car for some reason and then goes to pick Dean up after school, I frequently tag along. But it's normally more in the vicinity of the Academy [and sometimes the beach] ... although I know what you mean about the town, and it could be doing with a "face lift".

It's a long time ago now - 1958, to be precise - but an uncle of mine was Provost there. He'd married my dad's eldest sister who'd settled in Rosehearty as District Nurse during the war ... after both had previously been widowed. So MY first visit had been back then when it was very much a thriving fishing port.

Small world, eh?