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  1. #1
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    bank statements and payslips

    Sorry guys here i am again!
    Since i have been in the UK and worked there for 4 years, do i have to include all my bank statements, payslips and training certificates when i apply for my spouse visa? I do have a National Insurance Number but i have lost the card. And what about the CRB's, do i have to show them that aswell? I have everything from a single payslips from my first ever job but im not sure if i have to include all that as i was thinking that it might be too much documents and the immigration will just get confuse. Right now i can imagine that i will be needing a massive folder so all the documents could fit. What you fink guys? im quite confused
    Thanks in advance!
    Hope you wont get fed up of me asking...well they're not the same questions but its just regarding my visa application. i just wonna make sure that i wont missed a single document that could refused my visa.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    No need to say sorry & apologise, for asking a question. People here, will help you if they can.
    It's your husband, who needs to supply all his financial details, not you, as he will be your sponsor & will need to be able to support you financially, until or if you decide to work here.

    I guess some details, proving you lived here before & complied with a previous visa, may look good, but only as a token?

    It's your husbands financial standing & proving you have a proper relationship, that they are really interested in.

  3. #3
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    wo-hey! thank you so much!
    right another question....
    Do i need to have an x-ray first before i submit my application?
    Because my brother in-law's girlfriend has just been refuse for a fiancee visa as she is pregnant and so she cant have an x-ray. And that is the policy in Thailand before you submit your application. I am not sure in the Philippines though, because 4,5 years ago i did have an x-ray right after when i got my dependant visa and showed it at the immigration soon as i arrived in heathrow.
    Please let me know so i could sort it now. But what about the biometric thing? Dont have an idea what to do with that, if i have to ring up the embassy and book an appointment.

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    wo-hey! thank you so much!
    right another question....
    Do i need to have an x-ray first before i submit my application?
    Because my brother in-law's girlfriend has just been refuse for a fiancee visa as she is pregnant and so she cant have an x-ray. And that is the policy in Thailand before you submit your application. I am not sure in the Philippines though, because 4,5 years ago i did have an x-ray right after when i got my dependant visa and showed it at the immigration soon as i arrived in heathrow.
    Please let me know so i could sort it now. But what about the biometric thing? Dont have an idea what to do with that, if i have to ring up the embassy and book an appointment.
    Technically you dont need a X ray at present for your application or to bring with you. Some people have got a chest x ray which they have brought to show if they land at Heathrow. But they could still ask you to take a x ray so I guess its a personal choice..

    If its not your first trip to the UK with a Visa of six months or over you should not need a X ray from what I understand when you arrive. Thailand has different rules for X ray as I belive its deemed to have a big risk of people having TB.

    X rays are not taken at every airport on first visit I know they are at Heathrow but many other lesser non west london airports dont (can i get a rise out of Joe )
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I can't help you with this one, but I'm sure a Filipina will answer soon.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    what visa are you getting?

    because i havent seen you need a x-ray for any?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    what visa are you getting?

    because i havent seen you need a x-ray for any?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Oh sorry love!
    I forgot to mention that i will be applying for a spouse visa soon.
    Its just that i dont know the policy now at the embassy if i need to have an x-ray first before i submit my application.
    thanks so much!

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you dont need a x-ray for the visa.

    when you enter the uk at the airport you may get asked to do a medical check and may have one taken then or do your own, i think its to check for TB?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  10. #10
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    ah i see...
    But what about the biometric stuff?

  11. #11
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    i will just ask if is there any need for chest xray or any medical test if you are going to apply for spouse visa?my husband is from UK..i have problems with my lungs and diagnosed having PTB. Im having my medication at this moment but im not sure if i will get well worried if this may affect my application for spouse and cant enter to UK specially at thier airport since they ask for medical check..

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    isnt that for the latest uk passport?, i dont think you need to do that

    put spouse visa in the search function up above, i think all you need as been posted before
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    the biometric data is done at the same time as you submit your visa application at VFS

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you've worked here b4 i would include a p60 if you have one and a few payslips, it shows that your'e employable.

    yes its upto the sponsor to show he can support you without recourse to public funds, but if you have money of your own that helps to

  15. #15
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Thanks for all the very helpful advice and suggestions. I will do all that. I will be collecting my new philippines passport on tuesday then we'll crack on to the application.
    Thanks ever so much!

  16. #16
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    HELLO, I don't want to create another topic as my question is somewhat related, about Bank statements and payslips... Do you have any idea what is the acceptable range for payslip/ salary or bank statement, like what is the amount that you are suppose to have or earnings... to meet the requirements for VISA...

  17. #17
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    HELLO, I don't want to create another topic as my question is somewhat related, about Bank statements and payslips... Do you have any idea what is the acceptable range for payslip/ salary or bank statement, like what is the amount that you are suppose to have or earnings... to meet the requirements for VISA...
    A good question. There is no as far as im aware offcial line on what savings you should have. But it is advised not to have a overdraft and when it comes to income its how much Spare income you have a month.
    A sensible amount to cover settling in etc is thought to be 2K or 3k positive balance. For Income it would be to prove that you can have spare enough to provide for another person. When the Wife and I applied it was understood to be just over 55 pounds a week. Ie 220 pounds a month or the amount of income support for a unemployed person.

    For example if you earned a 100K a year but 99K of that was used in outgoings before your mahal arrived it might be deemed you cant look after them. But earning a far lower income but living within your means.

    Although those on low incomes or on benefits have been able to show they have large enough savings to support their Mahal.

    If its likely to be an issue its worth making a list of what income you have and outgoings. Do include food and social.
    Then make a second list showing how costs may rise ie council tax without 25 percent discount etc.
    If you do have larger savings than you could point to those if spare income is not easy to show.

    The old rule is make the ECO's life easier point out the facts. Let them put a tick against you can support your mahal.

    With regards official paperwork its good to show six months of bank statements and six months at least of Payslips plus if you have it your yearly letter stating your salary for the year.

    To show what outgoings you have I found it useful to supply Bills if not clear in bank statements. Showing the minimum outgoings you have. Again make life easier for the ECO to grant the visa dont leave them with any questions or doubts.
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  18. #18
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Thank you so much "somebody" .

    But I just want to clarify hmm I may sound like a broken record well just making things clear,

    Like for example, husband's earning is 230 pounds per week, That would be 920 pounds a month, Does the husband meet the requirement for the earnings?

    Thank you.

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its not what he earns that counts (thou the more the better ) it's what he has left at the end of the month that counts, he needs money to support you, so you will not need recourse to public funds.

    there is no set minimum figure, but many people use what you would get if you could claim social security, for couple after hes paid his rent and poll tax, (not sure if utility bills are included - i dont think so) he needs after paying them £110 a week for you both to live off.

    this is a rough guide thou

  20. #20
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Thank you for that info, when do they (emabassy / home office /etc) start checking that savings... because like for example the past months ... husband is like buying stuff for vacation and other things... and then will just start saving now.... but husband guaranteed that amount can be done.... although .. what if I will submit the application this month of October or November 2010, and Husband will start saving this month september because he just got back from Philippines so he will start saving this month again. is this enough .... how many months are they going to check for savings? etc

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    .... how many months are they going to check for savings? etc
    Basically, WHAT the Embassy will be looking for, is evidence that your husband is likely to be able to support you financially ... without recourse to public funds; in monetary terms, that means six months' worth of healthy bank statements, together with savings of preferably at least £2,000.

  22. #22
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    another thing will it also help if I have my own savings? though in Philippine peso and in Philippine bank like money you can bring there... would it also help ... if the husband will just start saving... but what if I also have savings will it help? Like savings that is more or same amount as the required 110 pounds?

  23. #23
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    will it help if I also have a a bank statement to present that has an amount of for example like 2,000 to 3,000 pounds?

    well am kind of asking this matter because at the moment my husband doesn't have that much savings because he just got back to England from Philippines and we kind of spent our savings for the marriage and visiting places.... and his previous bank statement is kind of his been spending due to some well ...etc etc... and we didn't know about this bank statement thing that he needs to save and stuff like that like 110pounds a week... well the savings he had was spent for his travel here.....

  24. #24
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    will it help if I also have a a bank statement to present that has an amount of for example like 2,000 to 3,000 pounds?

  25. #25
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    Hi, I'm new here.

    Briefly. I am a Brit National. My GF is a filipina. We are going to apply as unmarried partners on 28th Oct this year 2010 or just after.

    We are BOTH single, never been married, no children. I'm over 50, she is over 34.

    We have met eachother many times since meeting in 2004 on my regular 3 months trips to the Phils. We are almost 6 years as a couple.

    I am in the Phils at the moment. We are now living together. We will have lived together for 2 years exactly if we apply on the 27th October 2010.

    As I am in the Phils, I am not working. I am living from the rental income of my houses in the UK. (I own 2. one to live in, one for an income.).

    I will have £27k+ cash in the Bank when we travel to the UK, after paying visa fees and air tickets.

    I have investments that can be sold for over £50K.(Peps and ISA's and shares). And my 2nd house (rented out) is worth circa, £120K if sold these depresed prices. No mortgages on either.

    I am a qualified Electrician, and can show employment forthe last job I had prior to coming to Phils to satisfy the 2 year rule for unmarried partner.

    I have zero debt/no mortgage, no dependants, not married etc etc.

    Here is my question regarding financial support.

    Will we be ok, with me not being employed?

    I am very worried about this.

    I will look for a job in the UK, but at first I won't have one. It might take me months with the current economy.

    But that doesn't worry me.

    I know I can suport us both for a couple of years in the Uk from my savings, but I have no idea how immigration officers at UKBA view an unemployed person.

    It's the worry of how others interpret my ability to provide that concerns me.

    I dont need a car, or sky TV or all the stuff that are really non essential that society seems to think are essential. Hence I can live off very little, and still be well clothed and fed.

    But how do the immigration authorities view it?

    My GF is in marketing and advertising in the Phils. she has plenty of experience, but I dont expect she will just be able to walk in to a job, for a while.

    Any help greatfully received as I am losing sleep about this as the time draws near.



  26. #26
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    i will just ask if is there any need for chest xray or any medical test if you are going to apply for spouse visa?my husband is from UK..i have problems with my lungs and diagnosed having PTB. Im having my medication at this moment but im not sure if i will get well worried if this may affect my application for spouse..

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