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Thread: fiancee support

  1. #1
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    fiancee support

    Can anyone tell me if the the E C O take in to account how much money the sponsor sends each month to there partner if if this is regarded as to little can it have an negative affect on the visa being granted

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    yes it can ,

  3. #3
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    the E.C.O looks at everything..with a fine tooth comb

  4. #4
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    but surely they must take in to account the cost of travelling to the phils the cost of the wedding i have sent my girl all different amounts including small sums & large sums large sum being £1000 pounds for her dental treatment & her costs last november for her visit visa only for her to be refused but in the last few months i have sent small amounts due to the cost of our wedding there my flight there her spouse visa application so all in all it adds up to a great amount but over a two year period she has all her western union reciepts to show this & my bank transfer details hope this does`nt affect the outcome of her visa being granted

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if you have all the reciepts that will help

  6. #6
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    thanks stevewool yes i have all the reciepts from western union & also bank transfer reciepts ranging from £200 to £300 pounds but the range of money i send varies im worried the ECO will refuse visa because of the small amounts i send also which is for my fiancees internet bill & load for her text msgs to me how important do the ECO look on amount of money sent to your girl

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    they are not small amounts you are sending stevie c you add that all up and then x it by the months you have been sending it , with me and emma we are aplying for our fiancee visa so we have lots of docoments and the income is not that much but its a income and it shows you are supporting her

  8. #8
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    thankmyou stevewool thats very encouraging to hear maybe its because me & florsel about the outcome of the visa application when she submits it me also we have all the documents asked for on the checklist its just the financial support that is worrying us everything else is in order could the ECO refuse a visa on this alone

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it sounds like you have dsone the checklist and alls well i what you have said about the money you have sent then just try to be positive, you have done all you can just like all who have gone before you , myself and emma are waiting its been 3 weeks and no news but we know that what we have done and sent is all we could have done , now its out of our hands and just wait, be positive

  10. #10
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    In my opinion, the western union transfers are evidence that you have stayed in contact with your partner. When we submitted our application, I only supplied a few receipts spread over a long period but not all receipts.

    The financial support the ECO is looking for from the visa checklist is proof that when your partner arrives in the UK you have the means to support her here.

  11. #11
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    no financial support

    Hi everyone. My fiance and I plan to apply for a fiance visa soon. We met in Malaysia in 2008 while we're both on business trip. He went to see me in the Philippines and had a holiday in Thailand. We will have another vacation in South Korea and then we will apply for a fiance visa in October. I work as a manager in a multinational company and is compensated well. He also has a very good job and salary but I just do not see the need for him to send me money when I can support myself. Is it really necessary that he's supporting me financially? This got me a bit worried since it was mentioned several times that proof of support is required. Can this be used as a basis for my visa to be denied? If it is then we have no choice I suppose but for him to send me money until October? Thank you in advance.

  12. #12
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Hi. Is proof of financial support a requirement when applying for a fiance/spouse visa? I have a very good paying job and there is no need for my fiance to support me. He also has a very good job but we just don't want to waste money on transfer fees when there is no need to. Thank you in advance.

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burpiesbaby View Post
    Hi. Is proof of financial support a requirement when applying for a fiance/spouse visa? I have a very good paying job and there is no need for my fiance to support me. He also has a very good job but we just don't want to waste money on transfer fees when there is no need to. Thank you in advance.
    to the filipino/uk forum. From what you've outlined in this, and your previous post, I cannot envisage any obstacles preventing you from applying successfully for a UK fiancee visa, since each of you appears to be sufficiently well-endowed financially. What IS vitally important, though, is that your fiancee can show he has adequate reserves by way of 6 months' worth of healthy bank statements - without being overdrawn - as proof that he'll be able to fully support you [in the *UK] without becoming reliant on public funds ... because YOU will not be allowed to work *here until after you've married, applied for - and been granted - Further Leave to Remain (FLR). But - as I've already mentioned - it would certainly SEEM that neither of you need have any worries on that score.

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burpiesbaby View Post
    My fiance and I plan to apply for a fiance visa soon. We will have another vacation in South Korea and then we will apply for a fiance visa in October. I work as a manager in a multinational company and is compensated well. He also has a very good job and salary but I just do not see the need for him to send me money when I can support myself. Is it really necessary that he's supporting me financially?
    ... even although - as I said - there's no necessity for him to send you money while you're still in your management role, it might be a sensible for me to add a few words ... purely as a precautionary measure. Since you're planning a vacation *in South Korea, your fiancee would be well-advised to be careful (without being niggardly) in his spending habits to ensure [whatever] savings he HAS are not unduly depleted over the course of this *holiday.

  15. #15
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for the replies. The South Korea holiday is sort of paid for by the company. He's gonna be sent there so just gonna meet him there for the weekend before October which is too faraway. :( so good deal for free hotel, food, and taxi. hehehe... we're still building up on his savings, but he has a very good job. Can a good paying job compensate for so-so savings? Also, if we're applying for the visa in October, how current should hisbank statements be? April - September?

  16. #16
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Another thing, although my fiance now has a good job, he does not have a lot in terms of savings. He had some loans when younger and paid them off and it's just this year that he started saving. But with the expenses that we'll incur him coming over to the Philippinse and the wedding (we now decided to get married here instead) there won't be much left after. But he has a stable job and we should be able to save again after that. I have my own savings which I will take with me when I go to the UK. It's around 3000 pounds and probably more by the time we apply for the visa. It might not be a lot based on UK standards. Will it be worthwhile to include this in our application or should we just use my savings for our expenses and keep his intact in the UK?

  17. #17
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    Hello and Welcome to the forum....

    The savings doesn't need to be a BIG BIG amount,
    I think Philip only had £2000 in his bank when we applied my fiancee visa. Your fiance just needs to show that he doesn't spent all his money by himself because if he already spent it being alone imagine what will happen when you're already here in UK and cant work?

    I think it would also be good to show that you have money on your own though, so why not split the expenses for your holiday?

  18. #18
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Thank you Tonet. I guess we just can't be bothered deciding who pays for what. But this being our wedding, he wants to pay for it or doesn't want it to look like (eventhough it's for practical reasons) it's me who paid for the wedding. Guy thing I suppose. no offense to the blokes in the forum who have been so helpful in answerring my questions... do I really have to submit the original envelopes/packaging of his gifts (the one with the stamps) with my application. I know it's silly, but i'm such a sentimental fool that I keep them all and don't want to part with them.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    It's best to keep the letters and cards in the envelopes they were sent in as the envelopes have dates stamped on them.

    Along with yahoo email and chat logs, letters written and sent over a period of time is good strong proof of regular ongoing contact.

    It's also good to keep photos, mementos and receipts etc from the time you spent together.

    They will give them all back to you so no need to worry.

  20. #20
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    i have all the reciepts from western union & also bank transfer reciepts ranging from £200 to £300 pounds but the range of money i send varies im worried the ECO will refuse visa because of the small amounts i send also which is for my fiancees internet bill & load for her text msgs to me how important do the ECO look on amount of money sent to your girl
    the ECO will not look at how big or small money your sending your long as there is remittance every month means to support her will do...and as long as you(sponsor) maintained a good account meaning no overdrawn and theres a continuos flow of income coming in ur bank.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  21. #21
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Thank you so much again Tonet. Oh I have loads of pictures. I think we have 2000 pics in Thailand alone. hehehe... It's so comforting knowing that they will return the envelopes. I have screenshots of our chats, all our messages in Nokia so they can read them (thank god for Nokia communication center), and screenshots of my inbox with all the emails. Do I still have to print out samples of our emails to each other or screenshots of my inbox will do?

  22. #22
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    I don't know about screen shots, but we printed our chat history and email. not all because its a lot, we just picked some. and we print first page of chat and just the last. just to show how long did we chat for didn't print the whole conversations.

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonet View Post
    we printed our chat history and email
    ... as did WE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonet View Post
    not all because its a lot
    In OUR case, it WAS the lot ... a whole year's worth! So much so, that - even though the courier returned the entire batch to my wife - she was unable to bring it all to the UK [for sentimental reasons!!!] because it would've meant her luggage exceeding the maximum weight allowance.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    In OUR case, it WAS the lot ... a whole year's worth! .

    ours was 3 years that's why we didn't print it all or else we would probably need a sack for all of our evidence hehe

  25. #25
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    hmm... ours is 2 years worth. we chat literally everyday since I have yahoo at work. If you can still remember, how many emails and chats did you print out? Cuz I don't want to overdo it and print the whole lot. And as early as now I would like our documentary evidence updated (meaning printed out) so that come October it's just finishing touches. I don't have to go back in time and look for emails. Thank you again.

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