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Thread: suffering

  1. #1
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    I have been in daily contact with one Philipino friend in Surigao for about one year now and she tells me every day about the shortage of work, food and housing. There is no free medical or dental treatment and I have been asked to help save their lives on several occasions. It is impossible to pay any household bills like water or electricity without any income. I have built one traditional house on the beach and intend to build three more beside and buy some nearby growing land for rice and coconuts. Hopefully this will help some but I have asked those involved not to eat any kind of meat or fish. I am hoping this idea can be extended so that many others can enjoy a safe and happy life without causing suffering to animals.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    I have been in daily contact with one Philipino friend in Surigao for about one year now and she tells me every day about the shortage of work, food and housing. There is no free medical or dental treatment and I have been asked to help save their lives on several occasions. It is impossible to pay any household bills like water or electricity without any income. I have built one traditional house on the beach and intend to build three more beside and buy some nearby growing land for rice and coconuts. Hopefully this will help some but I have asked those involved not to eat any kind of meat or fish. I am hoping this idea can be extended so that many others can enjoy a safe and happy life without causing suffering to animals.
    You're proposing these people become vegetarian? I remember my daughter refusing to eat meat as a teenager - not because of an aversion to the meat itself - more in the interests of the animal kingdom, as you are suggesting now. And yes, ... up to a point! Health-wise, it's most probably a good too ... as humans have been "living off the land" since the dawn of time. But then, fish in particular, has accounted for an immeasurable part of the Philippine islanders' staple diet for equally as long ... and is proven to be a vital source of nutrition.

  3. #3
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    the suffering that these people have undergone are a matter of choice. I've been living in the Philippines since my birth and refused to be employed offshore because I am trying to live in my principle that with perseverance and hardwork our lives will be elevated. And so far, I am proud to say that I am able to make life happen compare to most filipinos who have to leave their families just to earn a decent living. Not that I am against it. Life is a matter of choice. If you choose to suffer then be it, if you want to have a life that lives in a decent place and eat a decent food, have a better lifestyle, and see/travel the places you want to go then do something about it and not wait for help. I know this sounds sad, but most of my countrymen are so good at blaming others instead of getting up from where they stumble and start from there to way up.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Hopefully this will help some but I have asked those involved not to eat any kind of meat or fish. I am hoping this idea can be extended so that many others can enjoy a safe and happy life without causing suffering to animals.
    I think this request for the people in Surigao not to eat meat nor fish is likely to be impossible. Life is hard here and people will eat just anything to live and survive ....and as what Sir Arthur has has always been part of every Filipino's dining table.

  5. #5
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    Thank you for your comments I too have doubts about them becoming vegans. I wanted to form a group of perfect people who did not cause any suffering to any creature. It is just that I can not bear to see or know about any form of cruelty and it is as you say, these people are among the worst in the world when it comes to fishing and even eating dogs that we in the west would consider very cruel, so I do have concerns. I am asked to help with injections for T.B, rabies, malaria, worms etc often for children. But no doubt I will sort it all out soon one way or another. Interesting you can build a house of the traditional type without planning permission or building regulations, it seems the weather is the building inspector, if it ends up in the sea do not blame anybody but yourself. I hope most of all that the locals do not become too westernized. Let us remember the lovely Philipino lady aged only 27 killed in a terrible car cash a few days ago, so upsetting and there is nothing we can do.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The human digestive system is designed mainly for plants and seafood not meat/animal products. Diets of UgUg male 10,000's of years ago (or 1976 for creationists ) have been proven to consist of solely of fruit/seafood. Meat eating is something that came about due to population growth and design of tools (not the Italian team ).
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    .. and is proven to be a vital source of nutrition.
    so vital Arthur i've managed without meat, fish or eggs for near 30yrs and i'm ok

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    so vital Arthur i've managed without meat, fish or eggs for near 30yrs and i'm ok
    You're a Manc, you have different biology to the human species
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    so vital Arthur i've managed without meat, fish or eggs for near 30yrs and i'm ok
    Oh yes ... ... vegans, vegetarians ... whatever ... DO have a lot going for them in the health *stakes (phonetically, perhaps not the best choice of *word in the circumstances! ). For instance, in February 2008, I ended up on the operating table for emergency surgery to my left carotid artery - which had become clogged-up due [probably] to my habit of preparing much of my food in a deep-fat fryer ... using cooking oil containing animal fats. Plus my cholesterol levels had also "rocketed" and I was in imminent danger of suffering a full-blown stroke - after learning that the 'transient ischaemic attack' I'd experienced earlier had been a warning sign.

    So, reluctanty, I was forced to give the offending utensil the old heave-ho, and modify my eating habits forthwith.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You're a Manc, you have different biology to the human species
    yes the master race

    and the scousers are our slaves

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes the master race
    So this is really you then?

    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    So this is really you then?

    you promised me you never post my picture

    well cats out of the bag, i'll be getting a off the misses now

  13. #13
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    It may be true that they could find work somewhere but they tell me the wages are very low and it upsets me to know these kind women have to do any work, who wants to work all their lives?

  14. #14
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    It may be true that they could find work somewhere but they tell me the wages are very low and it upsets me to know these kind women have to do any work, who wants to work all their lives?
    I am confused by your post.In the first you are saying that there is no work for people to earn money to pay their bills etc and in the post I have quoted you are saying it upsets you that the women have to do any work.
    Are you saying that you only want men to work?

    You have also stated that you want to form a group in another posting,and you are going into property development, are the two related.

    Are you intending to plough all your profits to help the people of Surigao? I may have misunderstood the intention of your post.

  15. #15
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    i find this confusing also is this man a modern day saint

  16. #16
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    I think anyone who has strong beliefs should be applauded for their convictions, but I can't help thinking that trying to persuade Filipinos to stop eating "any kind of meat or fish" is a lost cause

  17. #17
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    Thank you for your comments I too have doubts about them becoming vegans. I wanted to form a group of perfect people who did not cause any suffering to any creature. It is just that I can not bear to see or know about any form of cruelty and it is as you say, these people are among the worst in the world when it comes to fishing and even eating dogs that we in the west would consider very cruel, so I do have concerns. I am asked to help with injections for T.B, rabies, malaria, worms etc often for children. But no doubt I will sort it all out soon one way or another. Interesting you can build a house of the traditional type without planning permission or building regulations, it seems the weather is the building inspector, if it ends up in the sea do not blame anybody but yourself. I hope most of all that the locals do not become too westernized. Let us remember the lovely Philipino lady aged only 27 killed in a terrible car cash a few days ago, so upsetting and there is nothing we can do.
    Hmm........ sounds a bit pointless to me. How do you stop pain and suffering to animals when you have street vendors selling baby chicks, dyed blue, pink, red and yellow in tiny woven baskets and sold to the children as toys. They are not fed or watered and often die from being pulled to bits. Good try, but impossible in my opinion.

  18. #18
    Newbie (Restricted Access) CityHunter's Avatar
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    If one wants to end suffering it must start on the basics. Not only does Surigao experience such hardships but there are many parts of the Philippines and the world that suffers like it too. The key is in standing up to one's rights and taking action against those that bring about that suffering.

    Not all people will agree to stop eating animals. Take note that even plants have life and if we are to observe your line of thought then we all have to mutate or develop the capability to absorb the energy from our surroundings.

    The key is in keeping the balance and not abusing nature.

    If you really want to effect even that minute but significant change to end suffering then support the freedom of information bill. Pest your officials to push that into reality. That way those that abuse nature with conniving officials will see the end of their days.

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I think anyone who has strong beliefs should be applauded for their convictions, but I can't help thinking that trying to persuade Filipinos to stop eating "any kind of meat or fish" is a lost cause
    your right there, asking in any restaurant for a meal without meat, fish or eggs you get some looks

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your right there, asking in any restaurant for a meal without meat, fish or eggs you get some looks
    Whn I'm in a restaurant I always order just a bowl of boiled rice ..... that's for the wife though... I have chicken, pork, fish, duck, and chips
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    and chips
    Hmmmm........ meat chips??? never seen them on the menu before, what animal they come from?

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Hmmmm........ meat chips??? never seen them on the menu before, what animal they come from?
    DUH!!! They grow on trees
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    I have been in daily contact with one Philipino friend in Surigao for about one year now and she tells me every day about the shortage of work, food and housing. There is no free medical or dental treatment and I have been asked to help save their lives on several occasions. It is impossible to pay any household bills like water or electricity without any income. I have built one traditional house on the beach and intend to build three more beside and buy some nearby growing land for rice and coconuts. Hopefully this will help some but I have asked those involved not to eat any kind of meat or fish. I am hoping this idea can be extended so that many others can enjoy a safe and happy life without causing suffering to animals.
    hi cherelyn,welcome
    I am not sure if u can avoid the locals not to eat meat (white meat/chicken)good source of protein and is in evry part of the local provinces yards and specially fish ( good source of omega,and is also very healthy)
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  24. #24
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    DUH!!! They grow on trees
    I'm gonna go hunt me some trees........ chips for tea

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    Pete, London. It is accepted that there will be work to do growing rice etc but that it would be more kind and better mannered if the men did it unless the women want to. From what i understand it would be possible to continue to buy growing land and build houses for ever so that kind people could have free housing and food but I would not be willing to help those content to kill animals, fish and birds as I also believe such people would kill me, ganun.

  26. #26
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    Pete, London. It is accepted that there will be work to do growing rice etc but that it would be more kind and better mannered if the men did it unless the women want to. From what i understand it would be possible to continue to buy growing land and build houses for ever so that kind people could have free housing and food but I would not be willing to help those content to kill animals, fish and birds as I also believe such people would kill me, ganun.

    Hmm... what a lovely thought, but completely unrealistic. From what I have seen and know women play a huge part in rice growing, they spend hours in the fields planting. So do you propose that they stay at home and produce children?
    Why do you think you can change a way of life that has existed for hundreds of years? If you have money to burn on trying to convert a community go ahead, but it has already been suggested that you concentrate on lobbying the root cause, and not the effect.
    If you give me a home, I will live in it, give me a field I will plant it. If I want to eat meat, I'll eat it. You are 7000 miles away, I could tell you everything you want to hear.

  27. #27
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    If you give me a home, I will live in it, give me a field I will plant it. If I want to eat meat, I'll eat it. You are 7000 miles away, I could tell you everything you want to hear.
    yeah i agree..cant get hold of peoples lives and doings even if you give them money and shelter
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  28. #28
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
    Pete, London. It is accepted that there will be work to do growing rice etc but that it would be more kind and better mannered if the men did it unless the women want to. From what i understand it would be possible to continue to buy growing land and build houses for ever so that kind people could have free housing and food but I would not be willing to help those content to kill animals, fish and birds as I also believe such people would kill me, ganun.
    Families tend to work together on farms and rice growing so you are asking for a change of lifestyle.

    Why the carrot and stick approach? you are British and your wife is Malay so why the interest in that part of the P.I.

    Would I be right in thinking there might be some religious intent behind it such as,
    Quaker, 7 th day Adv, Muslim, Janism etc only I do think the P.I. is oversubscribed to religion.

  29. #29
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Would I be right in thinking there might be some religious intent behind it
    NOOOOOOO.............dont mention the 'R' word. Apo' will be here in a minute

  30. #30
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    People has different outlook in life whatever you do to them to keep not to get suffer as long as they use on it you cant control them.. It is not all the time you keep on watch or give things they want .. how we wish that somebody can manages but we only human and we can do what we can do yes, we can help them but not all the time coz we have our life to think too.. they are not the only people suffer we mostly feel on it but it is life to go to live and survive.. dont think me wrong that even we can say that we suffer or cant eat but we still can do smile to everyone

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