So this is really you then?
Keith - Administrator
Oh yes ...... vegans, vegetarians ... whatever ... DO have a lot going for them in the health *stakes (phonetically, perhaps not the best choice of *word in the circumstances!
). For instance, in February 2008, I ended up on the operating table for emergency surgery to my left carotid artery - which had become clogged-up due [probably] to my habit of preparing much of my food in a deep-fat fryer ... using cooking oil containing animal fats. Plus my cholesterol levels had also "rocketed" and I was in imminent danger of suffering a full-blown stroke
- after learning that the 'transient ischaemic attack' I'd experienced earlier had been a warning sign.
So, reluctanty,I was forced to give the offending utensil the old heave-ho, and modify my eating habits forthwith.
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