Quote Originally Posted by cherelyn View Post
Pete, London. It is accepted that there will be work to do growing rice etc but that it would be more kind and better mannered if the men did it unless the women want to. From what i understand it would be possible to continue to buy growing land and build houses for ever so that kind people could have free housing and food but I would not be willing to help those content to kill animals, fish and birds as I also believe such people would kill me, ganun.
Families tend to work together on farms and rice growing so you are asking for a change of lifestyle.

Why the carrot and stick approach? you are British and your wife is Malay so why the interest in that part of the P.I.

Would I be right in thinking there might be some religious intent behind it such as,
Quaker, 7 th day Adv, Muslim, Janism etc only I do think the P.I. is oversubscribed to religion.