hello all, some of you probly already know me, im tony`s wife, want to know what documents ect i need for the visa , i want to make a check list,
later today tony will go to my bro`s house to get the old flight ticket as we know they will be needed, tony was here for 6 weeks, will this be enough for the visa or will he need to visit me more, and as for the wedding pictures will these need to be printed off or will they be ok on a momory stick, same for messenger chats? will they need to be printed off? or is momery slick ok, will be alot of paper because we chat everyday

hopefuly tony will have a job soon and have regular income, my bro live there in uk, will this help with the visa,
at the moment tony is liveing with his mom, his mom rents the house off the housing assosiation but tony hopes to be renting his own place by next summer if all goes to plan, he will ask his mom when the time is right if we both can stay there but his mom is very strict and might say no,
thankyou in advance all.