I’m very desperate for help and advice. I will be 59 in December and I hope to visit my girl friend in the Philippines in November 2007, which will be the third time. We have known each other for 2 years, communicating on the internet several times a week. We love each other very much.

I’m satisfied that we have the requirements for her to settle in the UK accept I‘m worried that I‘m unemployed. Her English is very good, she wants to get employment in the UK mainly to help with the bills etc. I own my flat and I have £43,000 in savings. I don’t get any financial benefits at all. I live off my savings and the interest from them. My health is not so great which is why I’m unemployed.

I realise that I need to pay at least £500 for a settlement visa.
So my question is:- being unemployed do I have a glimmer of hope that she would be allowed to settle in the UK so that we can eventually marry?

I’m very concerned that may be I need to have employment as an essential requisite before things can get off the ground. I don’t want to waste money and peoples time if being unemployed is a none starter.
I appreciate any help very much.

Kind regards