Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
Sorry Englishman, my post wasn't meant personally at you, was just a bit annoyed at darren-b, saying fiancee visa is best.

It's up to couples to decide, which suits them best. Neither one is better than the other.
with you on the one hand, Simon [your 1st paragraph]. But not entirely on the other, because:

To MY mind, at least, the fiance(e) route is an unnecessary waste of money ... UNLESS work commitments determine the maximum amount of time an applicant's sponsor can spend in the Phils. Admittedly, for someone like me ... who's lucky enough to be retired ... the choice is more easily made (and one hell of a lot less expensive!). I mean WHY pay nearly seven hundred quid to bring your betrothed to the UK, incur the hugely-inflated costs of even the smallest ceremony here ... and then be forced to fork out [roughly] the same fee AGAIN just a few months later ... to allow your [by then] lawfully-wedded spouse to remain in this country for the next two and a bit years?? Incredible!

However, I'm totally with you in your second statement; it IS up to couples themselves to decide.