Thanks Steve
Yes, like you I have decided it is going to be the easiest way, and as you say, 6 months living together is long enough to really get to know if we are right for each other.
I can't do anything until next year now, as I already have 2 future flights booked, plus I am not divorced yet either
At 45080 Php, the cost is a bit steep, but broken down monthly it's only £100 or so.
I would prefer to get married in the Phil's as typical of all Filipina's she has a very large extended family who all want to attend, whereas I can probably scrape together a handful of people here I would actually want to invite
Questions are as follows:
1. If the 6 months expires and we don't marry, and she goes back, can we re-apply for another fiancee visa at a later date - or preferably a Spouse Visa if we marry in the Phil's?
2. If we married in the UK, how soon after the marriage could she work? If we then applied for a Spousal Visa, could she stay here beyond the 6 months until the Spousal is granted, or would she still have to return to the Phils?
3. What is the fully list of supporting docs required (would I need a copy of my Decree Absolute, whenever I get it)