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Thread: Im still her enemy?

  1. #1
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Im still her enemy?

    I just dont understand why my ex's mistress still treats me as her enemy.

    Ive just received a message from this "angelic look" woman of my ex saying that they now have a car! A brand new car loan! And so? What do i have to do with that?
    One thing that just annoyed me was when she said...she feels sorry for my kids as their father has totally abandoned them and not be able to have the chance and opportunity to come to the UK?

    Honestly, i dont really care.I have my own life now and happily married to my wonderful husband. Shes been going on and on for years!

    One thing that i can not tolerate is when my kids being treated like that!
    Everytime i think about it i just wonna drag her and bang her "flawless beautiful face" on a rough concrete to death!

    Yes i admit my kids' biological father has totally abandoned them but i can support them and no need to chase him and beg for his help.
    We can survive without him.

    I wonna play the game that she has started and go down to her level for just once and swap nasty words to describe and tell her what kind of a pinay she is!

    My husband is getting annoyed and he really wants to face my ex in a court and charge him with abandonement and obliged him to pay from day one.
    But i am not sure if this is possible.

    So now i just have to delete my friendster account which i have for years so she could not message me anymore or post anything.

    I just cant help myself to ignore what she said about my kids!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there being jelouse thats normal for men and women even kids but we do grow out of it , most of us , but sometimes men and women cannot forget the past even if there lives are good now , they hate the thought of there ex partner having a new life , your husband has a responability to his children still , but sometimes thats hard if the ex has turned them away from him, the best way and only other then getting police or court action is juts ignore her dont answer her , she wil get bored , may i just add this remark, dont think of dragging her face along the concrete if you do then you are just as bad as her ,

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    shes trying to get you jealous

    does the bio father know about any of this ? if so ignore them all.

    all this is probably doing what they want, causing problems btw you and your husband, ignore them

  4. #4
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    shes trying to get you jealous

    does the bio father know about any of this ? if so ignore them all.

    all this is probably doing what they want, causing problems btw you and your husband, ignore them
    I feel really embarrass from giving my husband such a hassle like this from that couple. He shouldnt be getting involve but he feels upset for my kids being treated that way.
    Thank you very much by the way!
    Its just makes me shaky from all the anger plus the pressure of going to apply for a visa soon and leaving the kids for the meantime
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    dont worry yourself , one day thuis is going to be a memory thats all , you both will have a future together and thats when you can think what a sad person she must have been , thats when the anger turns to pity ,good luck with the visa

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oOokhlareeceoOo View Post
    I feel really embarrass from giving my husband such a hassle like this from that couple. He shouldnt be getting involve but he feels upset for my kids being treated that way.
    Thank you very much by the way!
    Its just makes me shaky from all the anger plus the pressure of going to apply for a visa soon and leaving the kids for the meantime
    then why bother, text her back and tell her your husband has had promotion and hes taking you on a cruise and is buying a sports car

    just ignore them, and like scousers they soon go away

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oOokhlareeceoOo View Post
    I feel really embarrass from giving my husband such a hassle like this from that couple. He shouldnt be getting involve but he feels upset for my kids being treated that way.
    Thank you very much by the way!
    Its just makes me shaky from all the anger plus the pressure of going to apply for a visa soon and leaving the kids for the meantime
    then why bother, text her back and tell her your husband has had promotion and hes taking you on a cruise and is buying a sports car

    just ignore them, and like scousers they soon go away

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    dont worry yourself , one day thuis is going to be a memory thats all , you both will have a future together and thats when you can think what a sad person she must have been , thats when the anger turns to pity ,good luck with the visa
    I went to my friend's house today as she is a lawyer....asked her if i could terminate the rights of my children's biological father. I could! but it is going to be a battle in the court and it will take years. Plus the children will definitely get involve and will just bring trauma in their young minds.
    I just couldnt ignore what that woman said about my innocent children when they are the legitimate ones.
    I just feel so blessed to have a very responsible and understanding husband and father my children.
    Nobody's perfect. If the woman was only here in the Philippines? God forgive me!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oOokhlareeceoOo View Post
    We can survive without him.
    Am sure you will also survive without the ex's mistress ...create a boundary sis..and smile
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Don't lock horns with her, LIBERATE yourself from her! Happiness is all about LIBERATION! You can't 'fight off' bad people/bad things....she's not even worthy of your attention!!...Take your attention and energy to something else, something that makes you smile!!


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