Hi Steve!
Hmmm....i feel excited for you!
I know the feeling and thats what we are looking forward aswell.
Me and my husband have been through a lot of difficulties...from separation at the airport

, long distance communication, time difference, divorce, had a few uncertainties, then the wedding and now i cant believe here we are going to apply for a spouse visa to be together again.
Adjustments is not that difficult. In fact we find it exciting and adventure because the love and respect is there, things may go wrong but we never slept over it....its difficult to sleep when your heart is pumping fast wanting to be in your lover's arms before you close your eyes....never leave an argument or misunderstand over the night. It feels really good to wake in the morning with smile on your face. It makes your day...trust me.
And as soon as you see Emma at the arrival you gonna burst in tears! Thinking all the patient and hard work just to be together and finally coming true.
Dont count the days as it will make you bored....based on my experience.
Instead make yourself busy and you never know you only have few hours to get ready to pick her up at the airport..hehe!
Goodluck and God bless!
By the way where you abouts in the UK?