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Thread: Taking wife back to uk to settle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Taking wife back to uk to settle.

    I have been married a year to a filipina, live here had a business now sold it, want to move back to uk and take my wife with me... Problem is I dont have any accommodation or place to live.. I have money and i have some pensions coming in uk every month... having lived here for a year how do i go about the accommodation thing?? ANY IDEAS?????:

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    You will probably have to travel back alone to get everything in place first, then send your wife the evidence she will need to get her visa. I would call the embassy and ask their advice but that would be my expectation unless you can establish somewhere to live before you leave that will prove aceptable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Firstly my assumptions:-
    1. You were married in the Philippines
    2. You have no employment in UK

    I agree with David House, you most probably will need to travel to UK and organise somewhere to live. Normally if you will rent you need to supply references and proof of income. However, if you are able to pay in advance for the rent of a property (say min 6months or normally 12 months) then you will be OK. Although a credit reference check may still be made.
    Once you have established somewhere to live you will be in a good position to satisfy the visa requirements for your wife ( since you are already married for 1 year )

    When I moved back to England this is what I did, I then went back to my wife to help with the visa, the move and to be with her on the flight to UK.
    You will need to demonstrate that you can support yourselves in UK

    I strongly suggest that you look at the UK border control website to really understand all the requirements to be satisfied.

    As I see it, unless you have other exceptional circumstances you need to account for you own visit to UK prior to your wife.
    If you situation is more complex than your intial post then you may need additional evidences.
    All in all for me it was not so difficult (even though a spouse visa would not be granted due to our Japanese marriage)
    Important is to read the website, understand the requirements and comply with documentation.
    Ah! one thing, just be sure your wife knows the details of yourself and family


  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    some personal questions, you mention pensions - how old are you ? and you say you have money - what more than say £10k ?

    really I would advise what previous posters have said, but if you have alot of cash it could be worth taking the risk of applying from the phils, and stating you have the funds when you both arrive in the uk to rent or( buy your own place) this is risky but some people have managed it. but i wouldn't do it unless you have a lot of cash

    or is it possible a family member could sponsor your accommodation, that might be worth a risk

    but its probably better if you come alone to the uk and get everything ready here.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Terry ... a belated from ME ... I'D just returned from getting married myself when you first joined the forum early last year. with what the other respondees have already advised ... especially the advice of my colleague, Joe Bloggs - whose knowledge and expertise is second to none - that, in terms of your wife's visa application, it would probably be more favourable if you were to return to the UK alone at THIS stage to look for suitable accommodation in preparation for her eventual arrival.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Terpe ... to YOU, also; and for the considerable effort you've obviously put into helping Terry!

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