Thanks Keith, no I dont have a website for my bathrooms as I am a company rep, and cant have a personal web site, that would be innapropriate, but if I ever leave this company, I will start one up, but at present its incompatible with my position as an agent of the company,

As far as the wedding goes, we talk about it some more yesterday, things are going generally according to plan, Gina is having her Satin wedding dress made this week, she has chosen the materials, and the beading, she is having some modern style, although I dont quite understand it.

She has of course booked the Mcee as they call it, she also asked me if I wanted a fortune dance, that is where we dance and people pin money to our clothes, I didnt fancy that, I mean well its not the British way is it ? then we have to have the speeches, my speech and the Mcee wil give one, there is also a programe of events, where the bride tosses her bouquet over the shoulder, and there will be cash in it, (hmm whose ?) we will then have the photos taken, after the marriage has been solemnized by the official, as you know the marriage contract is not signed by the Judge until afterwards, but then the marriage contract has to go to the NSO to have it registered with them, this can of course take up to 2 months, so in the meantime, we will apply for SECPA papers to be issued, prior to the entry clearance interview, we are ready for that anyway.

I will be in Country on 27th March, hopefully, its not actually confirmed as yet, still waiting for monies to come through, but I am fairly confident it will, when i arrive I will be staying overnight at a hotel in Makati, and then we will have to go to the Embassy Consular section in the morning, of course I will be giving my report on that when I get back at end of April, then its south to Bacolod to start the wedding preparations.

I cant beleive after joining the Forum nearly a year ago, that its finally upon me, all that waiting around for divorce papers, and different things, it seems now that it is all in the distant past, well its A true Filipino wedding and Im looking forward to it
I will keep you all posted.