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Thread: Blatter sorry for disallowed goal

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post Blatter sorry for disallowed goal

    Fifa president Sepp Blatter apologises to the Football Association over Frank Lampard's disallowed goal in England's World Cup defeat by Germany.

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well a lot of use that is now Self Blubber... what you gonna do to stop it happening again Mr Slip Batter?

    ...and I quote Mr Blubber...
    "Personally I deplore it when you see evident referee mistakes but it's not the end of a competition or the end of football, this can happen,"
    What??? ... But it is the END of the competition for those it goes against you 'ole

    "The game must be played in the same way no matter where you are in the world," he wrote. "The simplicity and universality of the game is one of the reasons for its success.
    So they all play with pitches like carpet of top quality managed grass then?

    "No matter which technology is applied, at the end of the day a decision will have to be taken by a human being. This being the case, why remove the responsibility from the referee to give it to someone else?"
    ...but with technology we know the error rate before a ball is kicked, and that is accepted by everyone as it is less than the human error rate as proven in cricket, tennis, rugby, etc....
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Blatter is an arrogant nasty piece of work who runs FIFA like his own fiefdom

  4. #4
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    One of the reasons FIFA said they wouldn't bring in technology back in march was because of the cost involved How much are webcams these days A laptop on the sideline with the fourth official... Is it just me, or is anybody else falling out of love with the game?

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    As mentioned before all you need are 2 officials one at each goal,If it's a goal they raise a flag and point it to centre circle to indicate goal.
    We don't have to have anything else more than that,it would have done the trick on sunday!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Officials can't be replayed

    The technology is already at the main matches, it's called Sky/BBC/ITV ... they also provide the replays for some of the cricket. All that need happen is they pay the TV company to provide replays, and a 5th official... or 7th if it's the UEFA... or is it 9th?
    Keith - Administrator

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