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Thread: Passport for a Filipina

  1. #1
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Passport for a Filipina

    Hi Guys Jhean was in pursuit of her passport through an agency and now some weeks later they are saying she is not registered in Cebu but will have to go to Davoa in the Mindano can anyone give a way round this?

    Can she register .whatever that means where she lives ?

    Are the Agency correct?

    She has had previous police clearance in Cebu for employment
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    why would she go to an agency? She could process this all by herself..just complete the required docs (birth cert from nso, nbi clearance, police clearance, 2 or 3 passport pictures, any 2 or 3 government ids like sss/gsis/voters id/baranggay id, passport application form u can download online)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    why would she go to an agency? She could process this all by herself..
    Very true - I'm amazed how in all sorts of areas the leeches, cowboys, middlemen etc are kept rich by people using them

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    why would she go to an agency? She could process this all by herself..just complete the required docs (birth cert from nso, nbi clearance, police clearance, 2 or 3 passport pictures, any 2 or 3 government ids like sss/gsis/voters id/baranggay id, passport application form u can download online)
    This is very true Keith - it's what Hanna did. No need for agencies!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  5. #5
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    best to go to DFA ofc right away than go through the scams of these agencies. it's even more cheaper. 500php for 25 business processing days and 750php for 15 business processing days... the applicant must be at DFA consular office as early as possible. I recommend going there on WED-FRI as it is not so busy.

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    i think they have a new system now where u have to schedule the application? Not sure though if it's just for people here in Manila or all over the DFA offices in the country..coz my officemates here who need passport renewals said they have to be scheduled online before they could go to to check first the DFA site or call them..

  7. #7
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    i think they have a new system now where u have to schedule the application? Not sure though if it's just for people here in Manila or all over the DFA offices in the country..coz my officemates here who need passport renewals said they have to be scheduled online before they could go to to check first the DFA site or call them..
    Yes indeed they have a new policy now and that is you will need to make an appointment via online or thru phone to get a date. They will give a referance number that you must show to these security guard so they will let you in. Otherwise if you're just gonna pop in without it then you have to wait outside till they have available slots for you. But thats very rare now.

    One thing that you're gonna have a problem is getting an appointment date. The last time i was trying to book myself for the appearance was on May and the only dates available is on the 3rd of August.
    Ridiculus! Cant have that! So i decided to get an agency to get my passport done. You will just have to have for an availabe slots when somebody pulls out their application, as they have to fill in 5 clients for half a day session. So that means you have to wait maybe a few days or so. And the price is double so be aware of that.
    In my case they gave me the earliest date as possible for my biometric and i have to wait 17 working days. And when you get to the DFA Office all clients under the agency are being prioritized as their documents are inorder which is the agency's job.

    But if you are not in a rush then you can book yourself online at the DFA to get your biometric. 10 days is about P1,200 and the 15days is P900. And you can pay P200 for the door to door delivery.

    If you are a new applicant. You will need your:
    - NSO Marriage Contract
    - Marriage Licence from the Local Civil Registry
    - NSO BirthCertificate
    - Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registry authenticated by the NSO.
    - Proof of ID's..(SSS, GSIS, Voter's ID, Driver's Licence, etc)
    - NBI Clearance

    If only for renewal you dont need to get an NBI Clearance.

    If you were divorce/annulled you will need to have them with you as well.

    Photocopy all of them. I think 2 copies each.
    They will take your original Birthcertificate and marriage certificate from the NSO. So its best to have another one with you for your future needs.

    Hope that gives you the idea.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Hi Guys Jhean was in pursuit of her passport through an agency and now some weeks later they are saying she is not registered in Cebu but will have to go to Davoa in the Mindano can anyone give a way round this?

    Can she register .whatever that means where she lives ?

    Are the Agency correct?

    She has had previous police clearance in Cebu for employment

    What do you mean that shes not registered?
    Not registered in where? (birthcertificate?)

    Jhean must be carefull in using an agency as theres a few that will rip you off and never have the passport.
    If shes not in a rush then she can book herself to the DFA.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  9. #9
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your imput

    The question boils down to does Jhean have to go to Mindano from Cebu?

    "If you are a new applicant. You will need your:
    - NSO Marriage Contract
    - Marriage Licence from the Local Civil Registry
    - NSO BirthCertificate
    - Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registry authenticated by the NSO.
    - Proof of ID's..(SSS, GSIS, Voter's ID, Driver's Licence, etc)
    - NBI Clearance"

    She has the nso birth cert can get nbi clearance and thats about it on the documentation front
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  10. #10
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Thanks everyone for your imput

    The question boils down to does Jhean have to go to Mindano from Cebu?

    "If you are a new applicant. You will need your:
    - NSO Marriage Contract
    - Marriage Licence from the Local Civil Registry
    - NSO BirthCertificate
    - Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registry authenticated by the NSO.
    - Proof of ID's..(SSS, GSIS, Voter's ID, Driver's Licence, etc)
    - NBI Clearance"

    She has the nso birth cert can get nbi clearance and thats about it on the documentation front

    Yes im afraid!
    Thats what happened to me...I lived in Pangasinan and i applied my passport in Ilocos but i was told to go to Manila where i was born just to get my Local Birthcertificate with the NSO Stamps on it.
    So she needs to go theire for a couple of days as they will not release the document right away. Take it to the NSO to get it aunthenticated. She will only wait for a couple of hours as they will only put stamp saying its veryfied and signed.
    Its the way it is now....they make everything hard for you here in the Philippines now a days....until you sweat in blood
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  11. #11
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    She has the nso birth cert can get nbi clearance and thats about it on the documentation front[/QUOTE]

    Sorry i didnt get what you mean by this...
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  12. #12
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    During the time she was registered in her local municipality, there were three copies of BC (Birth Cert) One for her mother, one for census and one for local municipality. Mother knows where she was registered.

    IF mother cannot remember anymore, she can visit the nearest census office (NSO) and try to get a copy. Every City has their own NSO office branch. If she's not registered, she will be considered as late registration. I wish she is registered as applying for a passport for late registration is not that easy. She needs to prove that she didn't change her name and she needs some requirements in appying late registration.

    If she knows where she was baptized/christening, the church can issue a baptismal certificate which she can check the date of her birth as well. This is also helpful to support her application.

    Some applicants can't get NSO BC cert because they have sometimes declared wrong dates in the BC application form. i.e. date of registration etc.

    Don't depend too much in agencies. The more she do it for herself, the more she will learn everything about government SOP's and learn to be more independent.

  13. #13
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    i agree with penny she can get a copy of her birth certificate to any nso office...cant believe how many documents u have to secure nowadays before applying for a passport...i only secure my nso birth certificate, voters id, goverment ids and thats it no more police clearance nor nbi. then just nso marriage contract and old passport to change my surname...i always process mine in pampanga office...its not busy there compare to manila...

  14. #14
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    thanks everyone i will soon be able to ask better questions
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

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