Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I have just read this on FB from one of my friends, Mike Owen from Rhyl.

It kinda got to me and so I thought I would post it here.

' Two planes have landed in England today. One carrying a group of overpaid,
under achieving prima-donnas the other carrying seven coffins draped
in The Union Flag. Hero is a much over used word these days, but I know
where my priorities lie. RIP!! '

Hear, hear Mike!

The old saying from the first world war "Lions led by donkeys" always comes to mind whenever I see those coffins paraded through Wootton Bassett. The donkeys are the governments both Labour and Conservative who should face up to the fact that the Afghanistan war is unwinnable. There was a time before George Bush decided to finish what his father never managed to finish (by being unable to persuade the coalition that drove the iraqis out of Kuwait to finish Saddam and his regime) that the Taliban were on the run and the war in Afghanistan was I believe winnable. But once the Iraq war started, the whole focus of the so called "war on terror" was redirected towards Iraq and Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaida and the Taliban were allowed to move out of the mountains where they were holed up, re-group and reintegrate. No one likes to lose, but I think it's time that our government stopped blindly following American policies and pulled the troops out before we lose even more fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters, who's lives will be lost for nothing.