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Thread: Crapello to stay as Manager

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Crapello to stay as Manager

    So that's the next tournament buggered then
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    If he is strong and bins most of the shower who parade'd as england players I'm happy with that.

    Re-build with younger players

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Cmon lestaxi..!!
    How can you defend the guy that brought on Heskey...AGAIN!!!!and AGAIN.
    Crouch should have been there in the beginning of the second half!
    The referee and linesman should be shot with immediate effect...But thats not the point.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I agree, don`t sack him, it will cost money because of the dopes that run the FA.
    Just leave him to one side and bring someone in,Steve Coppell, to prepare the next team. If someone want`s Capello they can buy out his contract.

  5. #5
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    Some of his decisions were shocking he must've been the only person in the country who didn't think gerrard shouldve been playing just behind rooney. Get an englishman back in charge, you would never see italy or germany have a foreign manager

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    wont make any difference whos in charge!!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #7
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    one thing about international teams that i dont really get(or like). if its an international team then it should mean that the WHOLE team should be of that nationallity and that should include the management team as well. having a foreign manager isnt right.

  8. #8
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikey73 View Post
    one thing about international teams that i dont really get(or like). if its an international team then it should mean that the WHOLE team should be of that nationallity and that should include the management team as well. having a foreign manager isnt right.
    I don't think many would have agreed with you when we stuffed germany on their own turf under the early days of Sven!

    Capello made some errors yes I agree but He could do nothing about the so called "stars" gerrard,rooney,Lampard who at times couldent pass a ball 5 yards.

    No-one expected these great club players to have such a shocker in this world cup.

    We have had Englishmen before, a whole list of them who ****ed up managing the England team so that is not the answer.

    Nothing wrong with foreign coaches running other nations team if a coach is reguarded highly then surely you want to employ him.

    I agree Crouch should have played but the end result would have been no difference too many big names were total crap in this world cup!

    The signs were good in qualifying rounds but we looked poor in friendlies just before we left for South Africa.

    I want change,I would still keep Capello but i would advise him we want change and swing the axe big time on many of the older players and lets see if by dropping the so called megastars these guys will actually re-discover their english pride and play like they once did when they first pulled on the shirt

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    I am not that interested in football (I think is a game ! ) so cannot make an 'expert' comment. However, as I see it, a group of guys are paid a lot of money to kick a ball, to pass and to aim at the goal. As many of them seem incapable of doing that (shots supposedly at goal missing by a mile, likely to down low flying aircraft ! ) what are they being paid for ? Or don't they know that to be able to score a goal they need to get the ball in that rectangle call the goal. Anything outside that isn't ever going to be a goal.

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well at least all the money they earned during the WC went to charity, although I imagine that took some arm twisting with some of the greedy
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well at least all the money they earned during the WC went to charity, although I imagine that took some arm twisting with some of the greedy
    I did not know that, but at least it might explain why they did not bother to play well !!!

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Capellos to blame at the end of the day some poor selections for the squad how many other nations often dont play the "top" players either though choice in that game or they are not even in the squad.
    Players who fit the team are often better than great indivudals.

    Surely if we a 5 midfielders including Carrick, Barry and millner allowing gerrad and fat frank to support the striker as they do at there club.

    so a 4 3 2 1 formation i think we could have picked up the germans floating in front of defence and then the germans would ahve seen what happened for 10 mintues where gerrad and lumpard went on the attack as they normally play..

    But because the manger didn't seem to notice both are used to having midfielders cover them as they get forward

    Never quite understood why two players who at Club level have water carriers alongside them (alonso mascherano, mikkel, essien, makelele) are expected at national level to be a water carrier
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    After watching Germany today we could have fielded 13 players and still got beat!

    Totally disagree with you somebody when a player like Gerrard,Rooney and the rest can't even pass a ball in this world cup we have no chance.

    No manager can do anything about that

  14. #14
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    After watching Germany today we could have fielded 13 players and still got beat!

    Totally disagree with you somebody when a player like Gerrard,Rooney and the rest can't even pass a ball in this world cup we have no chance.

    No manager can do anything about that
    umm yes of course a manger can but why the hell would you play gerrad and lampard in a 442? Please tell me how they play for their clubs? Ask any german ( i speak to plenty both ex pats and one in germany) and they will say that England handed them the game. They may have won but lets say mourhino or another world class manger was in charge of England i doubt they would have forced players into postions they simply dont excel at. would not have stuck with the 442 which was successful back when cappello won most of his trophys..

    We had two midfielders who excel in covering the defence and providing players like gerrad and lampard with the chance to burst forward. Thing is the bursting forward players were there but barry was swamped..

    We had Frank lampard operating as a holding midfielder in some games I watch Chelsea at least two times a year live when playing tottenham and often a few more times if i get freebies from customers. Lampard is not a holding midfielder.
    Gerrad can defend but again is used to being used as attacking midfielder and used to those around him tidying up and covering for him..

    Arraon lennon was playing a most strange role although in the algeria game kept us in the game as cover for GJ who was geting skined alive by the Algerian left winger untill they took him off. But why he didn't play as he did when he switched to the left just before being taken off i can only think was due to instructions from mangament as he would pause for a split second so he did not follow instinct..

    Argentina dont do defence its all out attack so was just waiting for a side who could catch them on the break and defend well..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Strange that the only time Gerrard played in the middle in the WC he scored
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    umm yes of course a manger can but why the hell would you play gerrad and lampard in a 442? Please tell me how they play for their clubs? Ask any german ( i speak to plenty both ex pats and one in germany) and they will say that England handed them the game. They may have won but lets say mourhino or another world class manger was in charge of England i doubt they would have forced players into postions they simply dont excel at. would not have stuck with the 442 which was successful back when cappello won most of his trophys..

    We had two midfielders who excel in covering the defence and providing players like gerrad and lampard with the chance to burst forward. Thing is the bursting forward players were there but barry was swamped..

    We had Frank lampard operating as a holding midfielder in some games I watch Chelsea at least two times a year live when playing tottenham and often a few more times if i get freebies from customers. Lampard is not a holding midfielder.
    Gerrad can defend but again is used to being used as attacking midfielder and used to those around him tidying up and covering for him..

    Arraon lennon was playing a most strange role although in the algeria game kept us in the game as cover for GJ who was geting skined alive by the Algerian left winger untill they took him off. But why he didn't play as he did when he switched to the left just before being taken off i can only think was due to instructions from mangament as he would pause for a split second so he did not follow instinct..

    Argentina dont do defence its all out attack so was just waiting for a side who could catch them on the break and defend well..
    Im not saying we should not be flexible but tyhe 4-4-2 formation did not do us any harm in totally dominating our qualifying group.

    The players did not perform

    Last manager to try different formations was mclaren-he did well

  17. #17
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    Ok, Capello had his faults, but it seems that the FA is standing by him and kept him on, at least until the Euro games.
    It could be becuase they didn't want to pay him out all them millions, but I doubt it.
    I watched a couple of the England games and the Highlights of the German one, and I was dismayed by the pathetic ball passing and personal errors....
    Italy was just as bad if not worse.
    442 works, but at the end of the day, it is down to the individual players to perform to their best, and this time it didn't happen at all...
    I reckon that personal worries at home, have contributed to them not doing what they do excellently for their respective clubs...

    Be prepared to see at least 60/70% new faces for the European qualifiers..

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