Yeah, over the last 2 years I think I've been lucky not to see it full blown yet!
Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.
Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.
Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.
Oh I've seen the silences. Guilty of them myself. Just not seem the full storm after the "calm" yet!